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Light arrived and you both made eye contact immediately. However, you looked away, feeling your face bright red. What was wrong with you?

"Are you going to talk to her?" Ryuk asked Light looking for entertainment. Ryuk found it amusing that just last night, after Light parted ways with you, Light went home and talked to Misa. No, not talk. Manipulated Misa with love promises.
Light attempted not to react to Ryuk's comments. After all, he was the only one who could hear and see Ryuk.

"Hi Y/N" Light walked up to you.

"Good morning, Light-kun."

Light carefully observed how your eyes constantly looked over at L's direction. Does L want her to stay away from me, Light thought.
Most likely. After all, L has accused Light of being Kira more than once.

"Let's go talk somewhere else," You said. Excitement all over your eyes.
Light nodded, feeling the same energy in his stomach. The thought of doing something prohibited excited him so much. And if it had to do with hurting L by getting close to someone he cared about was even better.

After hours, you and Light came back to view.

L pretended not to notice that you had left the building again, but he did. And it bothered him so much. The sugar he had been consuming made it hard for him to keep his cool. However, he didn't mentioned anything about you and Light leaving.
But, after hours gone, when you and Light entered the room again, the door made too much noise and L look back at it.

"Oh Light-kun and Y/N are back," Matsuda innocently commented, and L felt his hand tremble. However, he quickly regained control of his body and emotions.

They wouldn't understand. The Kira task force, that is. L trying to convince them that Light Yagami was Kira was equivalent to talking to a wall.

Instead L pretended to not notice or care that Y/N had disobeyed him again.

L felt your eyes on him. When he looked up to meet your gaze, you were already looking at Light. Your eyes staring at Light's brown eyes. A smile on both of your faces.

You watched as an emotion flashed in Light's eyes. However, you were not sure what that emotion was.
"Y/N, I need to talk to you," Light told you, and you nodded. "In private."

You didn't dare to turn back to look at L as Light guided you to a hidden room in the apartment. L didn't want you to talk to Light without him being present. You had already managed to sneak out of the apartment to go walk with Light today, but now you were sure that L was watching you as you walked away.

Light sat on the couch in the empty living room and you sat close next to him.

"Y/N our date was amazing. I really enjoyed walking and talking with you today," Light admitted.

"It was." You were so happy. It was your first date with someone.

"I need to talk to you about something though," his tone changed. You nodded and waited for him to speak. You were called Silence for a reason.

"I don't think what we are doing is right," Light began as Ryuk laughed.

"Misa would be so heartbroken when she finds out you have been walking and holding hands with another girl", Ryuk commented to Light.

"L- your uncle- he thinks I am Kira," Light ignored Ryuk's comments and looked straight into your eyes.

Your smile faded. Yeah, you knew that. That's the reason why you were here. L told you his deduction himself, yet hearing it from Light shocked you. You literally spent hours talking to him yesterday and today. Light was so charming, charismatic, and nice. You didn't want him to be Kira. He's not.

"My dad will stay, but I might have to leave soon. There are some things L doesn't want me to hear."

You began to stand up feeling disappointed. All the serotonin and dopamine had completely dropped. Did Light-Kun want you to be his ears?

"You still have the phone I bought you?" He asked.

You nodded taking out the pink iPhone he bought you.

Light took it and added his phone number to your new iPhone.
"I'll call you tonight. I really wish I wasn't in this situation," Light admitted as he added your new phone number to his phone's contacts. He really wished he weren't Kira. Well no.

Light wished you weren't associated with L. It made him being Kira a problem. Because he genuinely liked you. Before, Light wasn't even sure if he liked women as nobody ever got his attention. But with you, it was different. You made him forget his problems at home and in the world.
"Are those the eyes of a man who's in love?" Ryuk asked Light. Light thought about it. Maybe.

Later that night, L watched the monitor that connected to the cameras in the room you were staying in. You were talking on the phone.

It was a new phone that you got in your stay here, L knew that. He knew this because Wammy's strictly prohibited electronic devices. Students were not allowed to have a phone. Security was strict.

He watched you whisper and giggle to the phone. L knew you were talking with Light. You had the same smile as you did whenever you were around Light.

L wondered what you and Light were talking about. He couldn't hear what Light was saying, and you were quiet for most of the call. A call that had being going on for hours. Guess you ready lived up to your Wammy's name. Silence.

What you commented yesterday about L when you thought you were alone in the privacy of your room started to bother L.
Yesterday, it didn't hurt him. But now. Now that he saw how happy Kira could make you. It really started to bother him.

"Why is your smile sincere when you are with everyone but me? Why do your eyes look at everyone but at mine?" L wondered out loud.
Before your arrival, L was able to at least sleep 30 minutes to an hour in the night. But your behavior had left him sleepless. Your behavior bothered L too much.
He still struggled to understand why your behavior bothered him, hurt him.

L looked at you as you hung up the phone. A smile never leaving your face. Did Light Yagami make you that happy? You didn't even know him that well, yet L didn't even know you that well either but still found himself having complicated feelings when it came to you.

L put a sugar cube in his mouth. Feeling it dissolve in his tongue.
He had finally made a decision about what to do with you.

Author's Note
Omg chapter 5 woot woot! Lemme know if you guys are enjoying the story so far or if you hate it lol

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