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You lay down on the lively green grass under a huge tree.
With the daisies feeling hazy.

"Silence!!" Mello screamed at you making you flinch. His blue eyes appeared as wild as ever, and he got on top of you as he violently shook you.

He always had to ruin the moment. You could never have anything good because it was taken away.

"Silence!" Your name being screamed again followed by a hard slap across your face made the beautiful world in front of you fade into an empty dark room.
Fade into reality.

Your eyes adjusted and you saw Mello on you. Intently looking at you waiting for your reaction.
Before you could speak, he interrupted you. "Shut up, Silence! And hurry up. Before L catches us."
You hadn't even spoke and he was already telling you to shut up. Why was everyone in Wammy's so mean?

You began to scanned your surroundings trying to analyze the last thing you remembered.
You weren't at Wammy's. Why would you think that you were in that orphanage?

You were with L. How could you have forget?
You were with L. Against your will. With the world's greatest detective who forced you to be with him. Who constantly talked to himself and showed no other emotion other than awkwardness during social interactions with you.
And the last thing you remembered was L sending Watari to sedate you.

"Where am I? What happened?" You asked. You needed a confirmation. Your reality couldn't be so dark. You didn't want it to be so dark and twisted.

"Shut up he'll hear you! Try to get up," Mello told you, but before you could attempt to get on your feet, Mello had already lifted you up and was carrying you in his arms.

Mello carried you out of the room you were locked in, and down the creaking stairs of the apartment while whispering to you to shut up. The funny thing was that you weren't even talking.
However, maybe he meant that your heart was beating too loud. Loud enough to be heard.

"Mihael and and Y/N." Both of you froze up and you quickly came into your senses. Like a cold bucket of water splashing all over your tired and sleepy body. Waking you up. Fight or flight response.

You chose flight.

Next thing you knew you were on your feet. Wanting to run down the remaining of the stairs' steps and away from that apartment complex forever.
But Mello was holding you from your wrist while his blue eyes were glued to L's onyx eyes. I guess Mello chose fight response.

You always wondered why you, Mello, and Matty were never friends while being at Wammy's. Well, this is why.

You wanted to yell at Mello. Begged him to let you go but you were too scared to speak. You just wanted to run. But Mello grabbing your wrist made you freeze up.

"L." Mello began but L interrupted causing you to whimper.

"I think you have something of mine," L pointed at you and your knees became weak.

Knees weak. Arms were heavy. Moms spaghetti....however that song went.

Mello let go of you as he quickly took out a hand gun from his pocket. Almost dropping it several times due to his hand shaking.

If he was smart as me, Mello would of chose flight too, you thought. But you didn't stay long enough to see what Mello would do with the gun.
As soon as Mello freed your wrist, you booked down the remaining steps of the stairs as fast as you could.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, Y/N." You heard L say followed by silence.

You slowly turned around wondering why Mello hadn't shot L yet. Why hasn't Mello shot L yet?

You saw Mello still standing halfway down the stairs. His aim of the gun still pointing at L. Only that Mello was shaking. More than before.

Your eyes travelled at the top of the stairs. At L.
L seemed emotionless, even bored. Like always. Only that he was holding something between his fingers.

A half-opened notebook with a black cover.

"You can't see Y/N? Perhaps I should open the notebook a bit more?" L spoke as he fully opened the notebook to a page. "Or maybe you should climb up the stairs to get a closer look."

"Don't fucking come up, S!" Mello yelled at you, but you couldn't help it.

Next thing you knew you were slowly climbing up the stairs to get a closer look.
Maybe because L had condition you this whole time when you two were alone that if you didn't do what he asked you to do, he would hurt you.

You stood next to Mello, half way up the stairs and you could perfectly see what L was holding. A notebook that read Death Note on the cover page. L was holding the Death note.

Y/N L/N will die on the same day L Lawliet dies.
The page read.

"Is that your full name?" Mello asked and you nodded.

"If I die, Y/N dies with me." L spoke and you felt your world turn black.

"You're sick! How can you do that!!" Mello's screamed making you snap out of your shock state.

Now you were full on crying.

"So you were Kira this whole time??" You asked L covering your mouth while you cried.

L gave you a weird look and faintly smile at your dumb deduction. Even Mello turned to look at you with a wtf look.

"No. I got the notebook from Light Yagami." L held back a laughter. He knew it must be hard for you and Mello to think during this difficult time.

"So you got the notebook knowing well that it can be used to kill people and yet you still used it?" You yelled at L. "Mello and I were raised to admire you. Prepared to work with you or replace you in the future....but you're nothing but a murderer!" You were full on screaming now.

"Y/N...go outside and wait to Matt" Mello instructed you. Still pointing the gun at L.

You began to make your way down the stairs gripping your chest. It hurt you. It caused you great pain.

Your Prince Charming, Light, killed people for a purpose. He killed criminals. But L..... L was willing to use the notebook for some sick obsession he had for you.

"I did it for us. I love you too much, Y/N. I would die if you left me. But I cannot die peacefully knowing that you will forget about me and go on with your life." L spoke and his words sent shivers down your spine.

"How Can you say that?! You're sick!" You mumbled practically forcing yourself to continue to walk down the stairs. His words made you feel so sick. Sick enough to throw up and faint. "If you didn't have a sick obsession towards me, you wouldn't have sent Mello and Matt after Light and I. Light would still be alive!"

"You love him don't you?" L asked and you stopped in your tracks and looked back at him.

You saw L standing at the top of the stairs looking at you. Both of you locking eyes, completely ignoring Mello.

You felt the need to say no. Desperately let L know that you didn't love Light, but L spoke again. "I know you do, Y/N. You say his name in your sleep."

L looked so sad and it made you want to cry.

"Silence, you better be walking to that door!!" Mello's screamed at you as he slowly made his way down the stairs. "If you love her, you sicko, you would let her go!"

L watched as you broke eye contact with him and began to ran down the remainder of the stairs' steps towards the door. Mello slowly walking down the stairs to follow you.

Mello was right. L was sick for feeling this way for you. For writing your name on the notebook.
L knew it was wrong to keep you here against your will but he loved you too much to let you go. And he feared that you wouldn't come back to him.

"If you don't care about me or your life, Y/N!" L began to say. "Then I will write your friends names down starting with Mihael Keehl!"

Author's Note
Haven't posted in a while, but new chapter woot woot!

He's not Kira. Yandere! L Lawliet x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now