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Not even a week passed, and L needed you. In every way.

He watched you ignore him. Not look at him. Help in the investigation but stay silent, unless he or anyone asked you anything. You didn't want to be here. Your actions said it all. But he couldn't read your expression. You didn't cry at night anymore, but your expressions and sarcastic comments were gone as well.

He knew it could be due to how he threatened you, but also because Light Yagami. Misa hanging around in the investigation didn't ease the tension.

L tried to concentrate on other things. On the Kira investigation. On other cases. He really did try to not look at you as often, and he hoped that you noticed his indifference towards you.
He even started having video calls with Naomi Misora. With his screen off of course. He didn't want to frightened the young brunette investigator away. Didn't want Naomi Misora to think that he was a freak like you did.
But one night, he just couldn't stay away from you anymore.

You were chilling in your room. Well the room L provided you to be in. Might as well call it your room, you weren't allowed to run away or L would kill you. Or something as bad as that.

You lay down on bed feeling sleepy. It was a few hours past your 10pm bedtime. But you were too entertained watching cartoons in cartoon network /boomerang.

You felt yourself start dozing off and falling asleep, but abruptly you sat on the bed as you heard your room door opened.
Your room was always locked..you locked it from the inside so why is it opening??!

Your eyes became wide as you tried to adjust them to the darkness of your room. The light from your television screen was your only source of light.

"L?" You asked confused. What was that weirdo doing in your room at this hour?!

Before you could say anything else, he was on top of you. Pinning you on your own bed.

"Get off me before I kill you," you began to scream at him but he covered your mouth.

There was a brief eye contact before he kissed you. If you could even call that a kiss.

You tried to move your face and push him away with your hands. Clawing your nails on his shoulders so he could get off you.

But he didn't. He was stronger than you. Stronger than what he looked. He pinned both of your arms above your head with his right hand, held your jaw in place with his left hand, and positioned himself between your legs.

He didn't grind on you or touch you inappropriately. His hands were concentrated on pinning your hands above your head, and holding your jaw. His kiss wasn't even a kiss. It was an awful, almost embarrassing attempt at kissing.
It was so cringe that you even stopped struggling and lay there in place. Shock.

The world's greatest detective doesn't know how to kiss, you wondered. In fact, you'll go as far as comparing his kissing to that of an unexperienced boy giving his first kiss.
You wouldn't know though. You had never kissed anyone before kissing him. But you could tell that the way he kissed wasn't the way people kissed in movies or tv shows.

You tried to remember the kiss he forcefully gave you in the lonely alleyway. You didn't remember it being this bad. Maybe because it happened so fast.

But this kiss wasn't happening fast. In fact, you felt everything happening in slow motion. His lips were rough and violent against yours. And you literally flinched in pain as his teeth accidentally hit yours. You wouldn't be surprised if you had a bleeding lip by now. L was a weirdo. Even the way he was kissing you was weird.
Everyone from Wammy's was so weird. Except for you, of course.

You began to wonder if this is how kissing felt. The image of Misa kissing Light came to mind. The way their lips were gentle against each other. You closed your eyes and began to fantasize that instead of being L, it was Light on top of you pinning you down, and that you were Misa. You smiled at the kiss. You liked that scenario.
You then imagine it was Light kissing you. Not Misa. Not anyone. You imagined that Light was kissing you, and you liked the way that thought made you feel.

Before you could kiss L back due to your twisted Kira fantasies, a phone rang.

L's grip was released from both of your wrists and his hand travelled to your mouth. Preventing you from making a sound.

You stared wide-eyed at him as he casually answered the phone.

"Hello? Oh good evening Ms. Misora. Ah yes. I will send you the link to the archives filed right now."

You lay in bed in silence as he casually walked out of your room while talking on the phone with Ms. Misora.
The woman he had been in video calls with these past few days. You noticed. All they talked about was criminal cases and investigations, but it bothered you.
The fact that L was kissing you and just left to be in a call with that female agent bothered you.

Your eyes shifted back to the television. Cartoons were still playing, and you tried to use the show as a distraction, but you couldn't. Your mind kept repeating the kiss. As messy and violent and unexperienced the kissed L gave you was, you kind of liked the idea of being kissed.

Everyone that came from Wammy's were weirdos. You were a student from Wammy's. No exception.

He's not Kira. Yandere! L Lawliet x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now