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All day you couldn't stop thinking about the text message Light-kun sent you.

Meet me here tonight.
The message read followed by an address.

"Are you high?"

Your fantasies were interrupted as Mello's words brought you back to Earth. Why was that weirdo talking to you?
You then realized you had been staring at the classroom's ceiling as you thought about Light.

You turned to look at the competitive, yet explosive, blond guy sitting next to you. Why was he talking to you?

God please make these last 10 minutes left of class pass by fast, you mentally prayed to a higher power. But you knew your prayer would go unanswered. You were in your advanced calculus class after all. Time always went slow in that class.

"I'm sorry, what was your name again?" Your eyes met with Mello's blue eyes. You knew that pretending that you didn't remember his name because he was SECOND place would make him angry.
Maybe your words would make him throw a tantrum like he did that one time that he threatened to run away from Wammy's because L still didn't choose a successor lol.

Mello glared at you. He tried to keep his cool because both of you were still in class. If this conversation had been happening outside of the classroom, let's just say he wouldn't have kept his cool. "Why are you here? Did L find you incompetent?" He growled back and you tried to contained your laughter.
If only they knew that the person they would die for, L, was a weirdo.

"Oh hi, Matty," you completely ignored Mello and turned your attention to the relaxed redhead who silently sat next to Mello. The third in line to succeed L.

Your attention triggered Matt and he began to tap his right food against the floor. He was impatiently waiting for the class to end so he could play his gameboy.
You couldn't relate more. After this class, you were ditching this place for the night.
You were meeting up with Light-kun.

"Sup, S," Matt replied. "Thought you would be gone for a longer time."

Then you noticed that NEAR was also listening to your conversation with number 2 and 3.
The first place, younger boy with white hair was facing the front, but occasionally looking at you out of the corner of his dark eyes.

They were all jealous of you, probably. After all, Near, the explosive blond whose name you forgot again (AKA number 2), and Matt were the first three to succeed L. Not you. Not anyone else.
Yet L chose you to help him with the Kira case and not them.

"L didn't want me to keep working with him because I got a new boyfriend," you admitted. It was obvious that was the reason why L exterminated his contract with you. Because you and Light.

"You're lying. Why would anyone want to date you?" Mello eyed you down cruelly.

The bell rang and you leaned in closer to the three boys.
"L made me come back because my boyfriend is Kira." You smiled at them.

Mello and Matt looked at you shock. Even Near who had been facing the front turned to look at you.

You walked away happy that the last ten minutes of class went by fast.


Sneaking out of Wammy's was something very easy for you to do, so getting out of that awful place was not something you stressed about. Instead, you spent more of your time showering and choosing an outfit for your date with Light-Kun.

"It has to be a date", you said to yourself as you were putting your outfit on. "He sent me an address to meet up at."

You ran down the stairs ignoring the weird looks other students gave you. You didn't care though.
Who was going on a date? You, not them. They had to stay and compete with each other to work with a weirdo like L. You weren't blinded like they were.

"Silence, it is prohibited to leave the property after sunset," Near told you before you exited through the front door. That's how ruthless you were. Using the front door instead of sneaking out.

You turned to look at the young white haired boy who was playing with his toys next to the fire place in the common room.

"Shut up, Near!" You snapped at him and walked out. It's not that you were a mean person. It's just that this was none of his business. He shouldn't care about what you do.

You arrived at the address the message indicated to go. It was a huge house in a quiet neighborhood.

You dialed Light's phone number but after a ring it went straight to voicemail.

Your phone vibrated and you looked at the phone's screen displaying a message from Light-kun.

Come in ;)

Your face became bright red at his message. A winky face from Light-kun? Could it be that he liked you too?

You walked inside the quiet and dimmed house.

A note on the living's room couch caught your attention.

Y/N. I'm sorry I have to leave like this. I am Kira.

You stayed frozen in place as your eyes reread the note over and over again? This has to be a joke. There's now way Light Yagami is Kira!

You reached for your phone and began calling him, but now your calls went straight to voicemail.

Is this a joke? Light isn't the type to joke around with these things, you thought.

Suddenly, police officers ran inside the house. Their guns pointing at you.

"Put your hands up!!" They yelled and you quickly obeyed.

Two began to arrest you and you began to freak out.

"You are under arrest for the suspicion of being Kira's accomplice!"

He's not Kira. Yandere! L Lawliet x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now