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~2 weeks later~

You nervously made your way to L. You had spent all night thinking of the words to say to him.

"Good morning, Ryuzaki," you sat next to him. Your voice shaking due to how stressed and nervous you felt.

"Ms. Y/N. Call me L, we had already gone through this before," L didn't even turn to look at you. His eyes were glued to the computer screen in front of him.

"Right." You shifted uncomfortably in your seat. You hated calling him L. These two weeks you noticed everybody called him Ryuzaki. You thought it was so weird that L didn't want you to call him that. He wanted you to call him L. Freaked you out.

"I wanted to ask you if you had heard anything from Mr. Roger." You finally said.

It had been two weeks and although you were grateful for L not allowing those police officers to have you in a jail cell, you didn't want to be here anymore.

You wanted to go home. Go back to Wammy's. You didn't care about Kira. You were still sad about Light and everything here reminded you of him. Plus L was so weird. You would notice that he would constantly look at you when he thought you weren't looking. Undress you with his eyes. And the way he called you using your real name unsettled you.

"Yes. I spoke to him last night. I am keeping him posted with the new information the police is giving me. Unfortunately, you are still a prime suspect due to your close relationship with Kira. You would be arrested at sight," L calmly replied not looking at you. But it was all lies. He had not contacted Roger. In fact, Roger had called L a few days ago to report that you had ran away and were now missing. That a piece of your clothing and hair was found near a dumpster and they were expecting the worse.
There were no police officers looking for your arrest. In fact, the ones that arrested you had been actors hired by L himself. And Light was still under surveillance assuring everyone that he was not Kira.

L lied to keep you by his side. And he was a very good liar. You believed every word he said. You wouldn't even sneak out of the apartment complex anymore out of fear of being arrested.

L finally looked at you. He looked at you when you weren't looking at him. Your eyes looking at the floor.
"But perhaps you could go on walks to clear your mind." L only allowed you to leave the apartment complex because he had already placed hidden cameras in every street light post near the apartment. To keep an eye on you even when you weren't inside the apartment complex.

L didn't want you to suspect that he wanted to keep you inside. That would only arise your suspicion of him.

You nodded your head.
"But don't go too far, Y/N. I wouldn't want the police to see you and arrest you at sight," L said as he began eating chocolate covered strawberries. But no one was going to arrest you at sight. That was just another lie of his to keep you under his control. In fact, if the police spotted you, A MISSING person, they would take you to the safety of Wammy's School and Orphanage for the Gifted.

You didn't want to get arrested, but you needed to go out for a walk. So you did.

You walked the crowded morning streets trying to clear your mind. You wished you weren't wanted by the police. You felt like a criminal.

"Silence???!!!!" You scanned the sea of faces trying to locate who was calling your Wammy's name.

Suddenly you felt someone grabbed your arm and begin dragging you into an empty alleyway.

Your back was pressed against the alleyway's wall and you analyzed the person who had dragged you here.

"Mello??" You asked confused looking at the blond in front of you. You would normally pretend to forget his name to get him angry, but you forgot to do that today. You were so shock to see him outside of Wammy's. "What are you doing here?"

But he interrupted your sentence by hugging you really tight. "Silence! I thought you were dead."

"What? Why would you think that?" You pulled away from his hug. You and him never had a close relationship so you were confused as to why he was acting this way.

"Everyone is saying that! You went missing two weeks ago and they found a piece of evidence implying your murder!"

"Missing? My mURdEr?" You looked at Mello shocked , but he looked as shocked as you.

"Yes, I think they even found a body and the DNA hair strand matched yours! We have police officers talking to students every day to see if we know where you could have gone!" Mello explained.

"Silence? Jesus Christ!" Matt ran and hugged you before you could reply to Mello. "I thought you were dead!"

"You too????" You were starting to believe that Mello wasn't pulling a prank on you. "I'm alive. I'm with L. I thought he told Mr. Roger?"

"No. Roger thinks you are missing. He lets a group of kids go out of Wammy's to distribute and put up missing person flyers....with your face on it," Matt looked dead serious. His hand gripping your arm tight. Afraid that in any second you would vanish into thin air. "We're doing that right now."

Your eyes scanned the missing person flyer. It had your picture. "Oh my god. No. I'm alive," you stuttered. L had assured you that he had told Mr. Roger about your situation. "I'm with L."

"Why didn't he tell Roger then?" Matt thought out loud.

"Well are you sure that the person you are staying with is L?" Mello was skeptical. Wouldn't L want the best for his successors? Why would he let caos unleashed?

"Yes! He's a total weirdo," you began.


You turned around and saw Matsuda awkwardly standing at the entrance of the alleyway.

"Y/N?" Mello raised an eyebrow and looked at him then at you. How does he know her, Mello thought.

Matt, on the other hand, got closer to Matsuda's police car to memorized the car's plate number. Both Mello and Matt looked worried for you.

"Your uncle was looking for you. He got worried that something might have happened to you," Matsuda nervously began. The sight of you with two other guys scared him. Especially by the way the blond guy and the redhead looked at him.

"I already memorized his car's plate. I will tell Roger," Matt whispered in your ear as you walked towards Matsuda.

You looked back at your two Wammy's classmates before entering the police car with Matsuda.
What was going on? Why did they tell you that everybody thinks that you are missing?
You felt so confused and scared. You hated feeling this way.

Author's Note
Chapter 11 woot woot!

He's not Kira. Yandere! L Lawliet x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now