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~2 1/2 months later~
You rode on the backseat looking out the window. It was a dark cloudy day and the rainy weather seemed more interesting than the conversation Mello was having with you.

More like he was talking to you. You didn't reply. Only a few key words he said processed through your head, and those words were enough to make you realize that you weren't interested in the conversation.
Something about him having to burrow Matt's car while they fixed his motorcycle in the shop.

"S, don't worry too much about it. Tomorrow we'll get the results from the doctor to see why you feel so sad." Mello spoke.

Your continued looking out the window.  The houses Mello drove by. You couldn't help but wonder what was going on inside those houses. Any life would be better than the one Mello gave you in the mafia.
The rain drops hit the car's window hard and you could see lighting in the distance. This visit to the doctor left you stressed out. Good thing you two almost arrived to the mafia base. You didn't want to talk to him anymore.

As soon as he parked outside the base, he turned around to look at you and held your hand.

"S, don't worry too much. Maybe you're stressed." Mello forced a smile. "Right now I have to go to the mission Rod sent me to, but when I get back we can talk about movies or whatever."

You nodded forcing a smile back and went inside the base. Mello attempted to be nice in hopes that maybe you would fall in love with him.
However, his progress was laughable because he always ended up screaming at you as soon as he got mad. Screaming at everyone to be honest. He was short-tempered. Living with Mello was like walking on egg shells.

You entered the luxurious mafia base and saw Misa sitting on the lonely living room. She sat up on the couch, but as soon as she realized that it was you, she relaxed.

"It's raining outside." She pointed out the obvious as she saw you getting mud all over the mafia's base carpet.

You forced another smile. "Yeah."
It had been two and half months and Misa had become your only companion in your new life. The only person to talk to.

She was forced to secretly marry Matt at gunpoint and become mafia property just like you.
The only difference was that Misa was allowed to continue her modeling and singing career....at least until her pregnancy became more noticeable. Once her pregnancy became more noticeable, she would have to disappear from the public eye or else concerned fans would notice and eventually find out that she is married to a mafia member and kidnapped against her will.

"I need to tell you something." She began. "The doctor told me that I am 2 months pregnant. Matt wants me to name our baby Matthew just like his father." Misa trailed off and her eyes scanned our surroundings making sure nobody was around to hear our conversation.

The base was empty. Everyone had gone to missions Rod had sent them to. Right now, it was only Misa and you.

"But I want to name our son Light...just like Light-kun." She continued. Her voice was like a whisper but you heard her clearly.

"Don't." You quickly said. You were paranoid that there were surveillance cameras hidden all over the base, even though Mello, Matt, and even Rod assured you there weren't any. The time you spent with L made you paranoid. You began to fear surveillance cameras and always had the feeling of being watched...even when alone.
Besides, you didn't want Misa to have problems with Matt. You heard Matt screaming at her a couple of nights ago. Matt's anger outbursts weren't as often as Mello's, but they were just as terrifying.

"I just miss Light-kun so much," she admitted looking down at the floor.
And you didn't blame her. You missed him too. He was so charming. Maybe when her baby was born, in private you two could call him Light. Maybe.

"I'm sorry." You apologized. This was all your fault. But Misa didn't know that the reason Light got shot and killed that day was because you slowed him down with your stupid questions. But if Misa ever found out. You were scared that you would lose the only person you could really talk to.

After a shower you lay down on your bed and stared out the window. It was still pouring outside and the dark day made you depressed. More depressed than usual. It was only a few more minutes of peace and quiet before Mello, Matt, Rod and the other mafia members arrived.

You felt someone lay down next to you, but you didn't have the energy to turn around and face them.

You felt fingers run through your hair. Just like L used to do when you two were alone.

"I'm sorry, L." You apologized. L getting shot was also your fault. Or at least you felt like it was.

He didn't say anything, and you only felt his stare.

You finally got the courage to turn around and face him.
You wanted to see L's dark onyx eyes. An eye color that you grew to miss in a sea of colored eyes. But your eyes didn't meet with his beautiful onyx eyes. There was no one laying down next to you.

"L, I'm sorry." You repeated again hoping he could hear you. Hoping he would come back to you.
But the dead cannot come back to life.

That didn't stop you from talking to him. L was the only other person you spoke to and wanted to talk to besides Misa.

"Mello took me to the doctor today," you continued talking to L. "They will give us the results tomorrow of why I'm experiencing symptoms. But I already know why."

You paused again.

"I'm 2 months pregnant with your baby, L. I wish you hadn't died."

"I love you...even though you don't love me," You clearly remembered the last words L told you.

You heard the mafia members entering the base and talking loudly down stairs.

"I do love you, L," you whispered out loud. To L.
To no one.

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