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The rest of the day was a living hell for you. You hated hearing Light's voice. The way he always said something right to L's comments. The way he would look at you after saying something. Hoping you would make eye contact with him. But you never did. You didn't  make eye contact with anyone. You never will ever again.

But what you hated the most was the way Misa Misa sat on Light's lap and kissed him. That should have been you. If only she knew that her boyfriend was flirting with you just days ago. That her boyfriend and you were running away.

When everyone left home for the night, you ran to your room and bursted into tears.

L watched you crying through the monitor connected to the cameras in your room.

He couldn't help but wonder why you were crying. Was it because Light? Or was it because of the way L threatened you.

Thirty minutes passed and L was beginning to fall asleep on the chair as his eyes opened to a noise. A vibration.

His eyes travelled to the monitor and he saw that your iPhone was vibrating.

"Light-kun must be calling," L mumbled to himself. His thumb traveling to his mouth. "Are you going to answer Y/N?" His voice was like a whisper, yet he knew you wouldn't be able to hear him. You didn't even know he was watching you.

L watched you glanced at the phone. Your eyes still full of tears. You turned your phone off and L felt overjoyed.

"Good girl, Y/N." he whispered. "Kira isn't good for you."

But you continued crying and L couldn't help but want to be there with you. Comforting you. He didn't like seeing you cry. But crying was better than your fake smile because you were revealing yourself to him.
"No. Not really," L corrected himself. "She doesn't know that I am watching her. She hasn't cried that openly with me. Time for the second phase."

L slowly walked to your room. Butterflies in his stomach with every step he took.
A knock on your bedroom door and he dreaded every second it took you to open it.

"Y/N," He whispered as he saw you clean your tears. There was brief eye contact between you two, but you looked away. "Why won't you look at me Y/N?" The question escaped his lips. But you didn't hear it. He knew that. You were too busy avoiding eye contact and worrying about your own problems to listen to people.

L lifted your chin. Without thinking. His eyes landing on the bruise on your face. Where he slapped you.
He saw your eyes travelled to his lips. He assumed the kiss he gave you came to your mind. But he just assumed. Your thoughts was something between you and your mind.
But L wasn't planning on kissing you again. The kiss from earlier today was enough for him. Too much for him. He's never gone that far with anyone before.

"I will ask Watari to bring you dinner," L said simply and walked away. Catching a glimpse of your confused face out of the corner of his eye.

L arrived back to his room. Looking at you through the camera. You were already eating the dinner that Watari had brought you. It was your favorite food. L did his research on you, but he knew that due to the forceful kiss he gave you, your chances of falling in love with him decreased by 70%.

However, when L wanted something, he got it.

He dialed Mr. Soichiro Yagami's phone number.

"Hello? Y/N??!" Light answered the phone. Desperation could be heard in his voice.

Light must have been waiting for Y/N to answer his calls or call him back, L thought.

"Good evening Light-Kun. This is Ryuzaki, may I please speak to your father?" L asked in a respectful way.

"Oh, hello L," Light sounded embarrassed. "Sure."

L waited hearing the whispering voices of the Yagami family until Mr. Soichiro Yagami answered the phone.

"Good evening Ryuzaki. Is everything okay?"

"Hello Mr. Yagami. That is exactly what I would like to talk to you about. Upon talking to my niece, Y/N, I noticed that she had a bruise on her face. I am afraid this is starting to worry me."

L tuned out Mr. Soichiro Yagami defending his son. Of course Light wouldn't hit you. L knew that. Mr. Soichiro Yagami knew that. But L had to manipulate things in order to get Light away from you.

"I understand that it might be hard to believe that our family members are in a troubling, even toxic relationship," L calmly spoke. Calculating every word and pause. "As you already know, your son is already in a relationship with Ms. Amane. I wouldn't want my niece to get hurt even more. I'm sure you'll understand," L said.

Mr. Soichiro Yagami agreed.

L could hear Mr. Yagami say something to Light. He couldn't hear what. Followed by Light's loud protests assuring his father that he didn't hit you. That he wouldn't hit you. Ever.

Hearing Light lose his cool amused L. Light had never acted that way in front of L. He was always cool and collected. But L assumed that Light's angst behavior had everything to do with you.

Author's Note
Thank you for 1K reads!!

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