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You woke up the next day and looked at your phone. You had a good morning message from your Prince Charming. From Light.

You had gone to sleep thinking about how to kiss. You had never kissed anyone, but you wanted to learn just in case you and Light kissed. Yesterday you had a date with him. You two talked for hours and he held your hand.
You didn't like physical contact, but maybe you didn't like it due to how much you craved it. And you never realized it.

After getting ready, you mentally prepared yourself to talk to L again.

Last night L stayed working with the Kira Task Force. Light was there as well, but L told you to go to your room in his usual monotone voice. However, as soon as Light got home, he called you and told you about the Kira findings. It was him telling you about Kira and L's findings. Not the other way around.
Then you and Light talked about school. Well. It was mostly him talking. He was a freshman in college and had a lot going on. How can such a busy young man have the time to be a murderer? Plus how would he murder a lot of people at the same time? He's not Kira.

You didn't hear from L last night but if you were to see him again, he would talk to you. You knew L didn't want you to talk to Light if he wasn't around, yet you left the apartment to go on a date with Light.
You would just tell L that you didn't think Light was Kira. No need to stress about it.

You walked to the kitchen and saw Watari instead.

"Silence, I am afraid that you will have to pack your stuff and come with me," Watari spoke.

"Where are we going?" You asked confused.

"Back to Wammy's. L won't be needing of your assistance anymore."

You felt sad. Like crying. Did L want you to leave because you left the apartment complex with Light? You didn't care about L but you started to develop feelings for Light. Plus he was your first and only friend. You wanted to keep seeing him.

"Can I talk to L before I leave?" You asked. Maybe you could change his mind. Promise him you wouldn't disobey him anymore.

"I am afraid that L is very busy at the moment. Do you need help with packing your bags?" Watari asked.

You shook your head and walked back to your room looking down. You were upset, you didn't want to stop seeing Light.
Back to Wammy's. Back to unnecessary exams, unnecessary deaths, and unnecessary suicides.

L observed as you stood in line in the cafeteria waiting to get your lunch tray. You seemed to have moved on from the morning's event, and were now living your normal life as a Wammy's student.

L had been using Light's cell phone to message you throughout the day. He hit send to the text message he had carefully composed to you. Analyzing whether it was something Light would say or not. Afraid that you would notice that it was in fact him texting you and not Light.
L looked up at you. You were smiling looking at your phone. Your approval of the message.

Now that Light Yagami was out of the picture, at least temporarily, L would have to focus on you. Find out what could make you smile like that but when it pertained to him. When it pertained to L.

You grabbed your lunch tray and scanned the cafeteria looking for an empty table to sit in. You didn't want to sit with the other students . Everyone at Wammy's was so weird.

Sitting alone was something that usually bothered you but not today. Today you wouldn't be alone. You would be texting Light and his messages would keep you company. You had told Light what happened in the morning. Well a half truth.
You had messaged Light about having to end your visit soon and go back home. He seemed very upset as he wanted to keep seeing you. He liked you. He had never felt this way before for anyone.
Then Light stopped replying for like 3 hours. After that time, his messages sounded weird. Like scripted. But maybe you were overthinking things.

He's not Kira. Yandere! L Lawliet x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now