"Your safety is our concern. Your comfort is not."

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"Who wants 15 extra credit points?"

"Me!" I yelled out before anybody could even think on it.

After our last test, I need all the extra credit points I can get.

"Well in that case, Ms. Laurens you're the chosen volunteer. Everybody get your lab coats on, we're walking to the OR."

The OR?

What are we even doing in there today.

I swear every day of med school is a surprise.

We grab our lab coats, and follow behind our professor as he leads us from the hospital lecture halls to the operating rooms.

We walk into an operating room and is greeted by a doctor and a nurse, waiting for us.

"Good morning, students. Who was the lucky volunteer?" The doctor in navy blue scrubs asks.

I raise my hand as the sea of med students separates to reveal me hiding in the back.

The nurse walks over to me, clipboard firmly in her hand.

"We need you to sign a consent form."

What did I volunteer for?

I cautiously looked towards my professor.

"If you don't want extra credit, I can pick someone else."

I grabbed the pen and immediately signed my name.

For all I know, I just signed my life away.

Who knows what's going to happen.

The nurse took back the pen and clipboard, and walked out of the OR, leaving just the doctor.

My professor was the first to speak up.

"Today we will be discussing skull fixation devices, such as the Mayfield clamp. And thanks to Dr. Clifford here and our volunteer Ms. Laurens, you will also see one demonstrated today."


I swear my jaw is on the ground right now.

I watched as the doctor in scrubs walks over to me.

"Since you're the lucky winner, come on over here while he talks."

I look between my fellow classmates and my professor before following the doctor off to the side by the operating table.

I walked up the table and wanted to touch the black smooth leather that so many patient have encountered. Patients have died here, survived on here, fought for their lives here.

I would touch it, but I'm not sterile and I would be contaminating the field.

I never realized the doctor was behind me, until he spoke up.

"This procedure will be better if we start with introductions, I'm Dr. Michael Clifford.


"It's not really a procedure, but for the hospitals sake we can't really file it under demonstration since we're using their materials."

"And what demonstration is it exactly?"

"Name and year first."

"Abigail Laurens, 4th year med student."

"Nice to meet you, Ms. Laurens."

"Just Abby is fine."

"Well just Abby," he started saying as he pushed two rolly stools over to us.

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