"Do no harm..." -Hippokrates of Kos

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Hippokrates is a philosopher, but a neurosurgeon quoted him. I also didn't have a good quote that pertained to this chapter, so that's the title instead.

I was finishing up the last two checks so that the two tables could leave.

I just wanted this night to end, but I heard the bell from the door.

Somebody else walked in.

I greeted them without even turning around to see them, I had to make sure the check amounts were right.

"I'll be with you in one second." I said as I turned around and grabbed menus and the checks and went to go hand the tables the checks.

I got up to the new table and placed down their menus before pulling out a piece of paper for drink orders.

"How are you guys doing today?"

I looked up from the piece of paper and realized that I recognized the people at the table.

Sitting in front of me was both my physician and my dentist.

Of course they would know each other!

"Hey Kelsey." Dr. Ashton, my physician, said.

"Ms. Kelsey." Dr. Hemmings, my dentist, said; he was always very formal.

"I didn't know you guys came to eat here."

"We thought we would try something different today." Dr. Ashton said.

I tried to brush off the fact that they actually remembered who I was.

I mean they see hundreds of patients, and they don't have a chart or anything in front of them to say it's me.

I don't necessarily like either of their specialties, and I might've cried a few times at my appointments, but I don't know how they could so easily remember who I am.

"What drinks can I get you guys?"

"Two waters." Dr. Hemmings said, speaking for both of them.

Of course he would choose the healthier option, and because water doesn't stain your teeth.

I get their drinks and the waitress puts their orders in.

I was standing next to my station, drinking my soda, and getting weird looks from Dr. Ashton and Dr. Hemmings. 

"You should be drinking water." Dr. Hemmings said, grabbing my attention.

How could he even tell that I wasn't drinking water.

I looked down at my cup and realized just how transparent the straw was.

I shrugged my shoulders and looked away, hoping he would just drop it.

Unfortunately, there was only one other table besides the doctors, and I didn't have anything else to do, so I tried my hardest to avoid the doctors at all costs.

Their assigned waitress got their order, in which they both ordered salads.

Who comes to an Italian restaurant to get salads? At least get a pizza, or garlic knots, or something Italian and not basic like a salad.

This isn't even Olive Garden, our salads aren't even that good.

I literally didn't have anything else to do so I just kept an eye on the tables but that caused me to make direct eye contact with Dr. Hemmings.


"When's the last time you came for a cleaning?"


"Oh because you're just drinking so much soda, and I don't know when the last time I saw you was." I shrugged my shoulders and went to go check on the other table, moving away from the conversation.

The other table was getting ready to leave, too. Just leaving the doctors.

I quickly cleaned up their table and moved back to my usual spot, thankfully seeing both Dr. Ashton and Dr. Hemmings on their phones.

Although Dr. Ashton looked up from his phone to look at me.

"What days do you work?"

I was a little taken aback by the question, but I answered him nonetheless. Then he focused back on his phone, not seeming fazed by my odd gazes.

I ignore them and think about all the relaxing things I can do tomorrow on my day off. I could get Starbucks, or go jogging at the park, or just binge watch Netflix all day. The possibilities are endless.

I feel my smart watch vibrate and I look down at it seeing two texts from random numbers.

I open the first one seeing,

You are scheduled for your half annual cleaning appointment with Dr. L Hemmings on Friday, 2/26 at 9:00 am.

The second message was basically the same, except for a checkup with Dr. Ashton Irwin at 9:30.

I looked at the two doctors sitting in front of me with grins on their faces, they know that I got the texts for my appointments.

They really just scheduled me for doctors appointments while I'm standing right here in front them.

Well there goes my day off.



I will do a part 2.

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