"Not bad right, it's just brain surgery."-Dr. John Boockvar

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"Next up in neurology presentations is Melanie Smalls. You have the floor, Melanie."

I walked up to the podium confidently.

I got this.

I know my speech.

I know my topic.

This happened to me, I'll just say talk about it as it happened.

I went over to the computer that was hooked up for my PowerPoint and brought up the YouTube video.

I hit play and watched as the class reacted to me playing "American Girl" by Tom Petty, they were probably wondering what my speech topic was about, but I'll wait for it to be 30 seconds in before I stop the video.

"This song was the first song that I remember playing as I laid down on an operating table with my brain wide open."

What an attention-getter.

"Good morning. I am Melanie Smalls, and today I will talk about brain tumors and neurosurgery. More specifically, my brain tumor."

I clicked to the next slide, "These are my x-rays of my brain tumor."

I cautiously looked from the presentation to the audience, who only half of them were paying attention.

"From the x-rays, you can see the somewhat large tumor sitting in my right temporal. I remember that it wasn't too hard to map out. But that's the thing, I remember. I was awake for my tumor removal."

"As we have seen in our textbooks and read about craniotomies, gliomas, and neurosurgery, I wasn't just reading about it, I was living it. I was awake and getting my brain poked at while also being a full time student and learning about everything while it was happening to me."

I continued the rest of my presentation, giving out specifics and everything that I was supposed to cover.

I was supposed to do a speech with visual representation of a neurology case, whether it was neurosurgery, or a neuroscience condition or disorder. But I asked if I could present my case, not knowing how it was gonna go.

The class was silent basically my whole entire presentation even as I was nearing the end, where I showed the final slide of my exposed brain, clearly showing the tumor, along with all the mapping sensors, the blue cave I was hiding under, and whatnot.

I barely remember that I asked my surgeon to take pictures of my brain. I mean who doesn't want pictures of their brain. But he only let me have pictures because I was a med student.

I took one last look at my presentation and the picture of my exposed brain and took a deep breath.

"Questions, comments, concerns?"

The class was silent, I thought I had got off easy and that I finally did it.

Well, I thought I did.

"How limited are you on questions?" Some random boy from the front row said, I think his name is Luke. He stood up to show that he was the one who asked the question.

"You can ask anything you want."



"Can you tell us what it was like, having an awake brain surgery. I think I can speak for all of us when I say that none of know what it's like, except for you, so tell us. If you can."

I stopped breathing.

I didn't prepare for this.

I don't think I can do this.

I looked over to my professor, he knew some of my problem because I had to ask him if I could do the presentation on my case, but he doesn't know everything. I looked at him, hoping that he could help me, maybe he could say no questions or shut it down or something.

But all I got from my professor was a head nod.

There is no way this can happen. I looked down at my notes and outline.

I can do this.

I just gave a whole presentation on this.

I took a deep breath in.

I scratched my head, looking for my scar. Once I found it, I traced down the long gone stitch marks.

I got this.

I can do it.

I just need to take deep breaths and focus on why I'm here.

"Uh, yeah. I remember it pretty fondly, if that's what you guys wanna hear."




Long time no see.

I haven't had inspiration and I just started school.

AND, I recently started a creative writing class and that has taken all of my inspiration.

Also, I based this story off of the worst case scenarios for a speech. It didn't happen, I don't actually have that, and I did not talk about this topic. But if I were to have done the speech on this topic, then I would be paranoid that this would happen and it would be my worst class scenario.

Part two coming out soon.

I hope everybody is doing good.

See ya soon!

Random thought, do people trace their scars or is it just me?

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