Strange Occurances (inspired by Parks and Rec (kinda, sorta, it makes sense))

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I always have the weirdest occurrences with people.

I'm not even kidding.

I was in city hall just trying to pay my utility bills, just doing basic stuff.

I was walking down the hallway going towards the exit when I turned a corner and bumped into a tall human being.

"Oh, sorry." I said, my gaze going up this tall man's body to meet his gaze, since I was currently looking straight at his chest.

"Complimentary toothbrush?" This random man said.

I was confused what was happening until I noticed his hand holding a little bag with a toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss. You know the kind of sample bag thing that you get from the dentists office.

But why would he just be offering random sample bags.

Was he a dentist.

I was so confused.

"You're missing the backs of your upper canines. Sloppy technique." This random guy said.

Is he really kidding me right now.

"Excuse me, I have excellent toothbrush technique. Who even are you?"

"Michael Clifford, DDS, and your local council member." He explained as a matter of fact.

"DDS, what does that even stand for? Dumb, dumb, stupid?"

"I'm actually a dentist, thank you very much." He explained as he fidgeted with his suit.

He's a dentist?!

That's what DDS means?!??

That's why he was judging my teeth, no wonder. Dentists can't help but focus on everybody's teeth. It's like they have a teeth fetish or something.

"If you ever want to get those checked out." He said, offering me his card and then just walking away like nothing happened.

Who does this guy think he is.

I mean I was genuinely curious.

And I did need a new dentist, since I swear my last one was a perv.

And I may or may not have a cavity, that I thought he would notice since he was obviously looking all up in my mouth.

So I called the number on the business card when I got to my car.

"Dr. Michael Clifford's dental office. How can I help you?"

"I need an appointment."

"Alright we have an appointment today at 2:30, will that work for you?"


"Are you a new patient? If so, what's your name?"

"Yes. Amy Eagleton."

"Thank you. I'm going to need you to arrive 15 minutes early for first time patient procedures like creating your chart and x-rays depending on your most recent scans."

"Yes, okay. Thank you, bye." I said quickly ending the call.

It's currently 1:45 and I have no idea how long it takes to get to his office, so I pulled up the address from the card and went on my way.

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