"Never give up. Never give in." -Dr. Randy D'Amico

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From now on if I don't have a title I'm going to use a random quote from a neurosurgeon.

Don't get me wrong I love being a dentist.

Specifically, a pediatric dentist.

Kids can bring so much joy and happiness.

Except when they hate the dentist, and make my job a little bit difficult.

But I can't blame them, I hate the dentist too, and I am one.

Today started the city's collaboration with my pediatric dentist office and the adult dentist office, offering free dental consults and cleanings for two days.

Today, Dr. Irwin is coming to work with me at my pediatric office and tomorrow I'm going to work with Dr. Irwin at his office.

As I went to unlock the office, there was another car in the parking lot already.

Wow, Dr. Irwin likes to get to work early.

"Good morning, Dr. Wilson."

"Ah, Dr. Irwin, good morning to you too. Are you ready to see the joy and happiness of kids?" I asked him, excited for him to see my world.

He just gave me a friendly smile back as I held the door open for him and led him towards my office, our office for the day.

Within 10 minutes of us setting up the exam rooms, and having the lobby set up for the wave of people that might come in, there was already a line of parents and kids waiting for their free consult.

It was good to have another dentist in the office with me, the work load was much more manageable and I felt less stressed knowing Dr. Irwin was giving kids a healthy smile too just across the hallway. 

Occasionally I would pass Dr. Irwin smiling as he walked with a kid back to an exam room.

His smile was perfect and low key kinda hot.

I mean, I know I'm a dentist and that I focus on people's smiles a lot, but Dr. Irwin might have the most perfect teeth and smile I've ever seen.

Definitely more perfect than my teeth, especially because I'm hiding a cavity that nobody knows about except for me.

I'm embarrassed that I got a cavity myself and I'm telling my patients how important is to prevent cavities, and I can't even prevent them.

Nobody in my office knows. Somehow I've kept it quiet from my coworkers for so long.

But my cavity makes lunch extremely difficult, trying to hide my pain as I consume hot soup, crunchy chips, or whatever the office gets for lunch.

Which leads to me looking for Dr. Irwin after I just finished with a patient.

My office agreed to let Dr. Irwin pick which place he wanted for lunch, so I had to ask him.

I looked in the last exam room, finding him cleaning a teen girls teeth, focusing as he sprayed water before he finally finished up.

I waited patiently on the side as I watched the young girl thank him and then leave.

"So Dr. Irwin,- "please, call me Ashton."

"Ashton, since you are our guest, lunch is on us. You just get to pick where."

Ashton seemed deep in thought until he decided on this local burger joint.

One of the office assistant's collected all of the orders and was soon left out to get the loud of burgers and fries that we all ordered.

By the time Ashton and I both finished a patient, our food was waiting in my office.

We both let our hygienists do cleanings as we quickly scarfed down our lunches, trying to get back into the exam rooms to help our patients.

I think I was maybe eating lunch too fast because as I stuffed fries in my mouth, once came into direct contact with the tooth that has a cavity.

I went silent, closed my eyes shut, stopped chewing and stopped everything I was doing as I just waited for the pain to subside as I clutched my jaw and took deep breaths in and out.

Luckily, I was swiveling in my chair as I was eating, so I wasn't facing Ashton.

Until now, when the pain finally subsided and I turned around to face to him, seeing him look directly at me with a smug smile plastered on his face.

"When's the last time you had a cleaning?"



Part two coming out soon!!

Kinda liked this one.

Don't forget to see the author's note at the very top, I got bored of writing Untitled. Plus, I like quotes from neurosurgeons, I'm always in awe of them.

What's your favorite medical TV shows?

I like Grey's Anatomy, House, Lenox Hill.

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