Dulce Sueños

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To see the least, I was scared out of my mind.

I was about to have surgery and my biggest worry was the anesthesia.

How can a gas just so simply put somebody to sleep.

How does that even work.

Needless to say my parents and I were very suspicious of the anesthesiologist when he walked in.

"Hi, I'm Doctor Clifford." The doctor said as he traded pleasantries with my parents who just simply shook his hand.

"And you must be, Mandy." He said with a smile as pulled up a chair to my bedside.

He was the same height as me as I sat in my hospital bed and as he looked at me, seeming to look through my soul.

"So I hear you you guys have some worries. Well I am here to settle most, if not all of your worries." He said with a smile as he looked between me and my parents.

My mom was the first one to speak up,

"She's a little worried about the anesthesia and the gas."

"There's other alternatives to anesthetic gas. There's IV medications, a liquid, a lollipop sedative. But all have risks as well. I would suggest, sticking with the gas, unless you're completely against it." He suggested, but had no response.

He definitely didn't convince me. I don't know about my parents, but they seemed as worried as ever.

"Well I can assure you, I just need you to trust me just a little and if there's any problems, it will be completely my fault. But I don't like problems, so there won't be any. What're you worried about?" He asked, looking from my mom to me.

"I'm just nervous since I don't know how it's going to work. It's just scary to just breath in a gas that easily puts you to sleep." I explained, looking down to pick at my hangnails, my nervous habit.

"The gas doesn't easily put you to sleep, I control it and make sure that you're safe the whole entire time. And, that's exactly why I'm here, to explain to you precisely how the anesthesia will work."

"From here to as soon as you fall asleep won't be longer than just three minutes. I'm going to transport you to the operating room, we'll get you all situated in there, I'll give you the mask with the anesthetic gas and some medicine through the IV, and all you have to do is breath. Then you simply drift to sleep, super easy on your part." He explained as I slowly started to believe him.

"Did that help settle any worries. Any other questions?" Dr. Clifford asked as I shook my head no. I have no idea what my parents said, but I'm guessing nothing.

"Alright, well then if you're ready. I can take you." Dr. Clifford said, standing up.

I looked towards my parents not exactly ready for this, at all.

But Dr. Clifford seems to know what he's doing, and I slightly trust him, which is better than no trust.

"It can't really be three minutes." I said as he slowly pushed my bed.

"Here, look at my watch, I'll time it. Starting......now." He said he showed me the stopwatch on his timer.

As he wheeled me towards the OR, he tried to make conversation with me.

"Do you have a boyfriend, Mandy?"


"What grade are you in?"

"I'm in college."

"What's your favorite color?"

"Sea foam."

"Oh, so like the color of my scrubs." He suggested.

"What?" I looked at him confused about what he just said.

"You said your favorite color is sea foam. And sea foam is a common color for scrubs, like mine". He said as he helped push my bed into the OR.

"How long has it been?" I asked as he pushed my bed closer to the operative table.

"One minute and forty-five seconds." He responded as I transitioned onto the operating table.

"I'm gonna win." I said with a smirk as nurses took my arms and strapped them down.

"Mk. If you say soooo." He said with a slight change in tone.

"Time?" I kept on asking him as he did something behind my head and the nurses probably got tired of me constantly asking.

"Two minutes and thirty seconds."

"You only have thirty seconds." I mocked as I knew I was definitely going to win.

"And you'll be out in fifteen." He responded back, with a goofy tone.

Okay, that shut me up.

"It's time?" I asked, not ready for this.

"It is. Remember, all you have to do is breath." He said as I felt my IV get fidgeted with.

I took a few deep breaths before I nodded my head towards him.

"Alright. Just breath and count backwards from 10 for me." He said as I watched and felt the mask get placed onto my face.

I took a deep breath in and started counting.





I was starting to feel so tired, I could barely stay awake.


This gas really does miracles.


I wonder if I won.

I heard Dr. Clifford say

"Dulce Sueños"

before I was out.

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