Amusument Park First Aid

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Ashton's POV
The boys and I just started our 12-hour shift where we are paramedics and first aid for an amusement park.

Our day practically consists of people treating people who have heat stroke, nausea (I mean it's an amusement park, people get sick) and sometimes some scraps and bruises, mainly from kids.

As soon as we sat in our first aid office right by the most popular roller coaster at the park, Luke's walkie talkie goes off.

"Roller to First Aid, we've got a 20-year-old female passed out in the middle of the line, almost to the ride queue. Party has no reason as to why she's passed out."

Calum and I grab our bags of medical supplies, our stethoscopes, and walkie talkies and run out the door, heading towards the roller coaster.

"10-4, Ashton and Calum are head out there right now, should be there within 30 seconds." I hear Luke's voice trail off before the door closes and we're too far away.

Calum runs up the emergency staircase on the side of the ride and I follow closely behind.

As we run up the stairs, I hear a whole bunch of jumbled commotion.

Calum reaches the scene before I do and starts to order people to clear us some space

I start to check the blonde haired girl laying unconscious on the ground, she still has a pulse and I can hear her breathing, which is a start.

Calum asks the people with her what happened, which they don't know, and still doesn't help us any. At least we learned her name is Emily.

I grab my walkie and tell Luke to get paramedics, there's no reason to why this girl hasn't woken up yet.

Calum reports on her pulse, "Weak, but still there."

Before anything else can be done, paramedics rush in. Hopefully they can do something with their equipment, as a park first aid can only do so much and only have so much supplies.

The paramedics move her onto their back board and then onto a stretcher, wait.... I think I saw her face twitch.

"Guys, hold on a sec. Emily? Emily, can you hear me love?" I ask but get no response.

I open her eyes to use my flashlight to check her pupils. Unlike earlier, her pupils were completely reactive and I felt a hand brush my arm.

"Emily, love, I need you to open your eyes please." I plead.

Within a few seconds, I see a pairs of emerald green eyes looking at me.

"There we go. Love, can you tell me what happened." I asked as the paramedics and Calum helped get her stretcher down the stairs.

"Uh, all I remember is my vision going black and I felt myself falling backwards." She said, barely in a mumble.

"Okay, well you're going with these nice paramedics to the hospital so that they can get you checked out, okay?" I asked and saw her slightly nod her head as we reached the end of the stairs.

The paramedics went one way with her, while Calum and I went the other back towards the first aid station for yet, another call.

The poor girl just came here for a day to have fun and now she has to leave with paramedics to a hospital.


I thought this one would honestly be better, but I definitely like the next one. So give the next chapter a chance.

Also, if you have a request, I might be willingly to read it and write yours out, but only a select few, because I'm busy and I don't know how good I will be at writing. So I'll give it a try with a few.

For requests,

-leave it in the comments or message me

-be patient, my life can be super busy

-I'm sorry if I don't do yours, these imagines are currently my own so

-feel free to send me yours, you never know, I might use it. You won't know, if you don't send it

-give me dental/doctor imagine

-pick the select boys from 5SOS you want, or all of them

-tell me if you have a particular situation or connection to the boys

-if the MC has certain fears, that you want to add 🤷🏼‍♀️

-tell me if you want me to use a name or I'll think of a random one

-and finally, if you want the request anonymous. If not, I'll be addressing your username for the request title and so forth

-I want everybody to have the opportunity to request an imagine, BUT if you don't vote on my chapters and aren't active with any of my other stories, then I'm less likely to want to write your request, it's that simple.

: )

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