"Every moment is a fresh beginning."

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I know I should've gone to a real dentist, but I'm a broke college student what else would you expect.

I finally had a few hours to spare in between classes and schoolwork, so I could finally figure out what's up with my pesky tooth.

I make my way towards the university's dental clinic, hoping that I'll get a college student that at least knows a little of what they're doing.

I walk through the doors and see some monitor screens and a room full of empty chairs.

I guess you're supposed to sign in on the monitors?

I walk up to the counter containing all the screens and immediately put in my name and simple information, seeing a friendly little pop up saying "You're current wait time is 5 minutes. If this time is too long and you have classes to attend, click here to cancel your appointment!"

So I guess I just sit and down and wait...

I walk to a lonely chair on the far side of the room.

I sat down and look around at the clinic, seeing random chairs and posters for the campus.

I heard a door opening on the other side of the room and saw a tall brunette in basic light blue scrubs.

As the brunette walked closer to me, I realized that I recognized him from walking around the campus, he was probably in one of my lectures.

"Hi, love. I heard you needed some help. I'm Ashton."

"Alysia." I said getting you from my seat.

I looked to see the same door opening and a male with bright red hair comes running out.

"How Ash?"

"Sorry Mikey, you snooze, you lose." Ashton said I followed behind him.

He pats the other guy on the back as all three of us walk into hallway with numerous doors.

"You'll get the next one, mate." Ashton said as he stopped in front of a door and opened it, letting me inside first.

I walk into the room and set my bag down in a chair in the corner.

"Well, Alysia, I'm Ashton as you know. You have to sign this agreement saying that you know I'm of course a dental student and that you are willingly seeking help in our clinic."

Ashton handed me some sort of cheap tablet with a line to sign and a paragraph above it explaining what he just summarized.

I easily signed it, not too worried about the fine print.

"Alright now that that's done. Have a seat for me and we'll get started, yeah?"

I sit in the dental chair while Ashton washes his hands and snaps on a pair of gloves.

He clips a bib over me and adjusts the light closer to my mouth, him getting in my personal bubble.

He moves to sit in a stool next to me and proceeds to move the dental chair back while tying a mask over his face and putting on a pair of magnifying glasses.

"So why'd you seek help today, love?"

"I just have some sensitivity. It hurts when I eat chocolate or something really sweet. I don't know if it's just a cavity or what."

"That's okay. I'll check it out for ya. Where do you feel the most sensitivity?"

As soon as I realized that the chair was exactly 180 degrees, my breathing hitched and I immediately became nervous.

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