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I have become the first female quarterback at my school. And to say the least, I'm pretty good, much better than half of the scrawny freshmen that tried out for quarterback.

We were currently winning our homecoming game with the people in the stands cheering.

There was 2 minutes left in the 4th quarter just enough time for us to score one more touchdown.

The center hikes the football to me and I check my open players: nobody.

I guess I'm going to have to run it myself.

I tuck the football into my arm snuggly.

I quickly check which way to go and just start to run for the left.

I jump over knocked over players.

I side swipe players trying to lunge at me.

I can see the end zone, I can do this.

I run faster almost to the end zone, but don't realize when a really big defensive lineman from the other team plows into me, sending me soaring through the air and landing hard on the ground.

That's the way thing about being Quarterback, you get hit a bunch and I'm usually fine, but as I'm laying on the ground, I don't have the energy to get up.

My vision gets blurry and I see spots, I just can't get off of the ground.

Voices are yelling me, they seem to be echos and very far away, until I see people come up to me, their voices are still distant.

My head is starting to pound and black spots try to completely take over my vision, but I try to blink them away and focus on the tall and bright football lights.

All I notice is more people surrounding me and the black spots cloud my vision and take over, swallowing me into a field of blackness and all the voices disappear.


I hear people talking and saying something and a pounding headache overcomes me.

I open my eyes and notice that I'm not on the ground anymore, but on some type of surface above the ground.

My head was also constricted from moving too much. I couldn't even look to the left or right of me, just straight forward.

I noticed 2 people dressed in blue scrubs tending to me, which I'm guessing are paramedics.

There are also two of the athletic trainers from my school, hovering above me.



One of my coaches snatches my attention from me trying to notice all the people surrounding me.

Once my coach notices that I'm paying attention to him, he moves out of the way to make more room for the paramedics.

"Hey love, my name is Michael. And this is Ashton. Can you do me a favor and look right at the football light above you?" One of the paramedics with red spiky hair, whose name is Michael said while he pulled out something from his pocket.

I looked at the light like he told me to, but I did not expect to be blinded by yet another light, causing me to wince and close my eyes as I shielded them.

"No sweetheart, we need you to keep your eyes open." The other paramedic, Ashton, said as he held my hands to my sides so that I couldn't block my eyes again.

I was blinded in both eyes this time, and felt pain twice, wanting to just escape the brightness.

However, I couldn't close my eyes to escape it and was just faced with the pain as the paramedics conversed to themselves.

"Ok, love. What's your name and do you remember anything that happened?" Ashton said as Michael went to go talk to my coaches and the athletic trainers.

"My name is Madison Baker. And, I um, I was running towards the end zone, I think, and then um, I just remember falling towards the ground and then waking up."

Ashton just nodded in response as Michael came back towards me.

"Alright, so it seems you hit your head pretty hard and you most likely have a concussion. So we're going to need to take you to the hospital." Michal said as he started to pick up supplies from the ground.

"Do my parents know?" I asked not being able to turn my head and look for them.

"Your coach is going to get them right now to tell them where to meet us." Ashton says as starts to move me, making me realize that I'm strapped into a gurney.

Michael disappears from my perspective and I can only see Ashton moving me into the ambulance which was only 5 feet away from us.

Once he gets me loaded in and start moving around, I can't help but start to freak out.

I bet everybody in the stands was watching me.

I'm sure I'll be the talk of the school on Monday.

How bad even is my concussion if I have to go to the hospital.

Am I going to be out for the season.

I felt this wave of emotions take over as I feel the ambulance start to move.

I can't help but want to cry over everything happening now, it's just so much.

I try and take deep calm breaths, not wanting to wanting to give myself a worse headache from crying.

I also don't want to cry in front of these pretty cute paramedics, I would probably look like a baby.

Ashton notices my heavy and deep breaths and attempts to talk to me.

"Hey, hey, hey. There's no need to cry, you're alright. You're going to be okay. Just stay calm and breath." He says as he takes one of my hands in his to comfort me, while the other one connects me to random medical devices on the ambulance.

"You don't need to worry. You are in the best care possible. Just relax...but don't close your eyes." Ashton calmly says, but quickly adding in that last part out of worry.

He definitely calmed me down a bunch, well, until I felt the ambulance come to a jerk, signaling that we've arrived at the hospital.

"I'm right here with you Madison. I won't leave you. You're safe."

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