"Nope!"-Dr. C. G.

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"I love sitting in a restaurant alone, it's like I'm part of every table but I don't have to join the conversation." -Dr. C. G.

(That title was too long, but that's what I wanted it to be.)

Tonight was my third date with Luke, everything was going really well.

The food great.

The restaurant was great.

He was great.

But I just had this pain shooting up and down my back all night.

I tried to stretch in my chair or lean back, but nothing was working.

I would just tried to rub up and down my back, hoping the pain would stop but it never did.

It's been hurting this past week, but I thought I just overdid it in a workout or something.

I looked at Luke who looked concerned for my well being.

"Are you okay?"

"What? Yeah, I'm fine."

Apparently I wasn't convincing enough because Luke gave me a "I know you're lying" look.

"My back just hurts a little bit, that's all." I answered solemnly as I took a sip of water.

"It's been bothering you all night and some of yesterday. You should go get it checked out so you can stop being in pain." He suggested as I just agreed.

I'll go get it checked out....eventually.

I tried to ignore it the rest of the night, but the worst was when I stood up to leave with Luke.

I guess I stood up too abruptly because the pain made stop all movements and made me want to curl up into a ball on the ground.

Luke kept on asking I was okay but I was now hunched over trying to make the pain stop.

Some random guy walked up to Luke and I, but I could only see his shoes.

"I may be of some assistance. Hi, I'm Dr. Calum Hood, an orthopedic specialist. I happened to be sitting right next to you guys and heard you were having some back pain. I can take you to my office that's a few blocks down the road and I could help you."

"Anything to make the pain go away." I managed to get out before Luke scooped me up and carried me bridal style.

This guys office wasn't very far from the restaurant, it was practically walking distance, if I could walk.

Luke carried me while he followed the guy through his lobby and into an exam room.

He set me down on this black low bed table thing.

"Alright, sweetie, do you think I can take a few x-rays of your spine or do you need the pain to go away?"

I felt a little bit better, I honestly did.

Maybe standing won't be so bad.

"X-rays." I barely mumbled out, but he heard me.

"That's another short walk down the hall." This Dr. Hood guy said as Luke gave me a piggy ride to x-ray, well as close as he could get before he had to set me down.

"Luke, you'll need to put this apron on before we go in." Dr. Hood said as he put one on himself.

I slowly hobbled into the x-ray and stood where I needed to while I watched Luke stand on the sidelines.

I was able to stand for the x-rays just fine, but accessibility was the issue.

The x-rays took about 15 minutes before Luke was able to give me a piggy back ride back to the room.

But when we entered the exam room, there's another person other than Dr. Hood.

"Hi, I'm Dr. Michael Clifford, chiropractor. Dr. Hood called me in because I heard you were under some intense pain. Let me guess, you just left x-ray."

Luke talked to him as Dr. Clifford pulled something up on a computer.

Within a few minutes, Dr. Hood came back, not surprised to see Dr. Clifford in here too.

He walked over to this white board thing on the side of the room, and ushered my to stand next to me. 

As soon as I slowly trudged beside him, he spoke up.

"Ms. Ava, you see your spine, how it's in a curved form of a S. That's what is causing you so much pain, it's called scoliosis. Luckily it's treatable, with many different options." Dr. Hood said, looking at me to gauge my reaction.

I didn't have a reaction, I'm just happy that there's a reason for my pain, and not just random back pain.

"The first treatment that I would suggest is chiropractic care with Dr. Clifford, and then since your curve is severe, but not severe enough for surgery, I'm going to have to fit you for a brace that you'll have to wear for at least a year with follow ups every 6 months."

I just responded back in okay, anything for me to relieve the pain.

"I'm just going to give you an exam. After that, Dr. Clifford will do his chiropractic treatment based on your curve, then I will cast you for a brace then you will be on your way and to return here in a week to try on your brace." Dr. Hood said with a smile as Luke sat down on the side of the room, and Dr. Clifford just stayed at the computer.

Dr. Hood sat on a doctors stool and rolled over by the computer to grab something in one of the drawers.

When he found it, he stood up and walked over to me.

"First thing, try to touch your toes and just hold that position."

What an odd thing to do, but okay......?

I can't touch my toes, but I tried.

"I'm going to touch your back, don't be alarmed."

I was wondering why I had to do this, until I felt Dr. Hood's hands follow my spine all the way down along with some tool.

"Alright, you can stand back up. Actually, do you mind laying down on your stomach on the table right here."

I stood up and stretched and then went to go lay down on the black table thing.

"All you're going to feel is my hands following your spine. Are you okay with that?"

I just responded back with a yes.

Dr. Hood's hands started at my neck and followed my spine all the way down, but I felt like he wasn't following my spine straight.

That can't be right.

When he stopped and cued me to stand back up, I just had to ask him.

"You followed my spine exactly down?"

"Yes, why? Are you surprised by the curve?"

He seemed like he knew what I was going to ask.

"As soon as I saw you hunched over in the restaurant, I saw your curve because I see scoliosis everyday and, let me show the most prominent part."

"Turn around and face the wall. Now Luke, do you see how one shoulder blade is higher than the other one." Dr. Hood asked Luke but I didn't hear any response from him for at least 15 seconds.

"Actually yeah, now that you say something. I do see it, it's very different. There's two different heights between your shoulders. Here take a picture of it, so she can see it."

Dr. Hood showed me the picture. It's true, one shoulder blade was definitely higher than the other. I just looked all off balanced in the picture too.


I'm really crooked.



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