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I shakily pick up the pen next to the clipboard and write my name on the the sign in sheet.

The male nurse behind the desk smiled at me as I went to my seat and cautiously sat down.

I begin to pick at my hangnails as I anxiously for the doctor to call me in for my physical.

That's one of the "perks" of turning 18, you have to schedule and go to your own physicals all by yourself.

And you have to get immunizations for college as soon as you turn 18 so I was not too thrilled to schedule this appointment.

Usually I go to appointments with my mom, but apparently "I'm an adult now and need to go by myself", which leads me to here, sitting in a chair, scared and worried out of my mind.

I check out my surroundings, trying to calm myself before I hear the dreadful words,

"Lilliana Edwards."

I hesitantly get up and walk over to the male in scrubs that called my name.

"Hi, I'm Calum. Will you follow me, please?" He asked as he walked to the second exam room on the left.

I walk in the door and see two other males sitting on stools next to the counter.

They give me a smile as I slowly walked towards the exam table.

I sat on the exam table and tried not to cringe from the sound the paper under me.

The three males sat on stools facing me, causing my nerves to escalate.

At this point, I really wish my mom was with me, considering the fact that three male doctors are intimidating me, just by sitting on stools, three feet away from me.

They just continued to stare at me and I just felt smaller and smaller until one of them spoke up.

"Hi, I'm Dr. Ashton Irwin. This is Dr. Luke Hemmings. And you've met Calum." The male in scrubs, I learned as Dr. Irwin, said introducing himself and the other males.

"So just some basic questions before anything happens." Dr. Irwin said, obviously he's the lead doctor.

I nodded my head and waited for him to continue while Dr. Hood went over to the computer.

"October 1st, 2000."
"Ohhh. So I'm guessing you're here for your "adult" physical." Dr. Irwin made the realization as soon as I said my birthday, him not realizing how worried I was for this appointment.

I just nodded my head as he asked me more questions.

The questions consisted of my medical history, current immunization record, and other basic questions.

"So I'm sure you're wondering why you have three doctors in here..." Dr. Irwin suggested as I nodded in agreement with him.

"Well, as you can obviously see I'm the main doctor." Dr. Irwin said as he looked to Dr. Hemmings.

Dr. Hemmings spoke up for the first time,
"I'm a psychologist, to help with worried and anxious patients."

Thank god he's here. I might need his help if my anxiety gets any worse.

"And finally, I'm just a basic nurse, as you can see." Calum threw in there before Dr. Hemmings continued to talk.

Dr. Irwin took off his stethoscope and I already could feel my breathing hitch.

"Ok. So I'm gonna start just by listening to your heart." Dr. Irwin said walking towards me with his stethoscope.

His stethoscope was freezing cold as it touched my skin.

I was zoned out facing his scrubs, until he spoke up.

"Alright deep breath in, Lilliana." He said as he listened to my heart, repeating himself two more times after he moved the bell to different locations.

I was so anxious every single time he listened to my heart, I thought he would find something wrong.

I'm always on edge during appointments, paranoid that the doctors would find something with me, even though I've been healthy my whole life.

Dr. Irwin looked like he was about to say something, but held himself back.

He went to move onto all the stuff hanging on the wall.

He got the blood pressure cuff, and went to go move it onto my arm.

"Ok, a little squeeze."

He focused on my blood pressure for a little longer than usual.

He took the blood pressure cuff off and looked at me.

"You seem a little nervous...." Dr. Irwin said reaching for something in his pocket.

I didn't say anything while Dr. Irwin and Dr. Hemmings just stared me down.

"You know, Dr. Hemmings could come and sit with you if you feel anxious." Dr. Irwin offered, seeing Dr. Hemmings immediately stand.

"But before that happens, look right at Dr. Hemmings for me."

I looked right at Dr. Hemmings, wondering why I was just supposed to look at him.

He began to make silly faces at me until I was blinded by a light flashing in each of my eyes.

Dr. Hemmings came and sat down next to me on the exam table.

"Well hello there, love." He said chilling next to me, while Dr. Irwin continued on with my physical.

Everything was going okay, until we got to the end, right where my least favorite thing is.

Calum walked out of the room, probably to go get another patient or do something, I didn't pay any mind to him.

"So the worst part about every new adult checkup is the shots, I'm guessing from your facial expression." Dr. Irwin said, seeing a smirk come to his face.

"You know it has to be done, love." He said as soon as Calum walked in with a covered tray, which I knew was concealing the needles.

Before I could even think about doing anything, Dr. Hemmings hugged me, securing me from moving out of his grip.

I felt a cold wipe on my left shoulder and immediately began tearing up.

I really hate shots so much.

I just knew that if I looked at the needle, I would go into a full blown anxiety attack.

Thankfully, Dr. Hemmings covered my sight from even seeing what Dr. Irwin was doing, I couldn't even see Dr. Irwin.

There was a few seconds before anything happened.

"Love, I need you to relax. In the long run, it's going to help both of us." Dr. Irwin said, which I tried my hardest to do.

I took a couple deep breaths before I felt the needle plunge into my skin.

"Okay. One down, love. Only two more to go."

The other one wasn't as bad, but the last one definitely had my waterworks flowing.

The last one stung so bad, going into my skin and even after the needle was out.

As I was wiping my tear stained face, Dr. Hemmings gave me a good, actual hug.

"You did really good, love. You did good, all by yourself. Next year when you get a checkup, just come to us. We'll be here." Dr. Hemmings said as Dr. Irwin and Calum cleaned up their mess.

"One last thing before you go enjoy adult hood, no strenuous lifting for at least 24 hours. Give your arms a rest, you don't want them super swollen." Dr. Irwin informed me as I got off the exam table.

"Happy Birthday, love. Have a good day." They all said, with different variations

If it wasn't for them, I would've had a full blown anxiety attack, and it would not have been good.

It was a good appointment, considering I did it without the presence of my mom and all by my new adult self.

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