Part 1: The First Meeting

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The building is quiet, you can sense there are others here but you cannot find them. You tread carefully trying not to make a sound as you peak around the corner.
Y/n thoughts- Damn it, why do the avengers always have to be here? Looks like I'm gonna have to have some fun with this one.

You stand around the corner watching the Avengers devise a plan as to how to stop you. They slowly start to split up.
Iron man heads towards you but you duck into a cupboard hoping he hasn't seen you. You wait for a second before stepping out making sure the coast is clear.

Y/N thoughts- they left the red head alone. She's a strong fighter and will be a challenge but I should be able to stop her.

You stand there and take a deep breathe before projecting another two of yourself.
You pull the mask down over your face covering any identifiable feature and head towards the redhead.
She sees you coming towards her and her tasers spark into life.

Y/N- and whom may you be? I have to say, you are a gorgeous woman.
Redhead- I'm the one who is going to stop you, you've done enough damage for Hydra and it's time you were put down.
Y/N- come on gorgeous, at least tell me a name before I kick your ass.
Redhead- It's Romanoff
Y/N- well then Romanoff, let's have some fun.

You run towards her bringing the other two from around the corners with you.
Y/N- bet you didn't see that coming
You smirk as she looks at all of you, you send the others into fight. She takes down one with ease before the other sends her flying through a nearby window.
You close your eyes and reduce yourself back into one being. You can feel your powers being drained but this was only the beginning of what would be a harder mission than first thought.

Romanoff was laying on the floor as you walked towards her. You kneel down next to her and check her pulse. She was still alive but unconscious. You cuffed her hand to the radiator beside her and walk off laughing.

Y/N- base this is Y/N. Romanoff is out of the equation. I'm heading to the file room now. Make collection available for 10 minutes time.
Base- Copy that Y/N.

Running towards the file room, you sense a danger ahead. You turn the corner and notice Captain America waiting for you.

Y/N- well hello there Captain.
You stand up straight and salute him as he looks you up and down.
Y/N- you look confused Captain, what ever is the matter?
Cap- How do you know who I am?
Y/N- everyone knows who you are my good man. The soldier who risked his life to save those of his men before being stuck in ice for 70 years. That really was some miracle that you survived. Otherwise, whose ass would I be about to kick?

He throws his shield at you and you catch it with ease.
Y/N- oh Captain, my Captain. If only it was that easy to stop me.
You run towards him and begin to fight. He's a strong fighter but he has nothing on you. Within a few minutes, he is on the floor unconscious

You run into the file room and grab what Hydra need before heading to the extraction point.

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