Part 24- The Return.

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I've spent hours training when I hear a voice
??- Y/N, you have been requested to join a meeting with the others
Y/N- what the fuck was that?
??- I'm sorry, I am J.A.R.V.I.S
Y/N- okay well I'm going to ignore you and head to the meeting
I run up stairs grabbing my jumper in the process. I see everyone is already there
Y/N- sorry for being late, that robot scared the shit out of me
I can see they all start laughing.

Tony- we've got a mission. We've located a target we've been tracking. Our plan is to draw him out with the help of Steve's friend
Y/N- woah wait, Steve has a friend?
Steve- oh yeah, he's this guy called Sam. Means I've got one more than you Y/N
Y/N- nice
I high five him and we both laugh
Tony- can I continue?
Y/N- if you wish
Tony- Sam, Wanda and Cap, you'll be in the first car, it should be on the he targets. Y/N and Nat, you'll be in the car behind whilst I will be in the sky
I grab a glass of water and start to drink
Nat- who is this guy anyway?
Tony- they call him the winter soldier

I drop the glass and it shatters on the floor
Y/N- he's alive?
Wanda- Sonny, are you okay?
Y/N- I thought he was dead
Wanda- who is he?
Y/N- it's J
I can feel my hand start to shake as Nat grabs it but I pull away
Y/N- I can't do this
I get up and run out of the meeting room. I have no idea where I am going but I can't be here. He couldn't be alive. Nobody had seen him in years and everyone I asked told me he was gone and never coming back.
The only place I wanted to be was home but going back to England wasn't an option. The second closest place was my apartment so I go there instead.

Wanda POV-
I watch as Y/N runs out of the room, I go to run after her but Steve stops me
Steve- that's a lot of news for her to take in, give her some time
Wanda- I can't leave her on her own like that
Tony- Steve is right, she needs to be alone right now. It's what's best for her.
We finish the meeting and Y/N isn't anywhere to be seen
Steve- do we know where she would have gone?
Nat- I think I do, Wanda let's go
I head down to the car with Nat and she starts to drive
Nat- I'm assuming you've been to Y/N's apartment
Wanda- yeah, how do you know about it?
Nat- I stayed there the night of the charity event
Wanda- you did what?
Nat- she was angry and it was your fault, I didn't want her to run away from us. Come on, we are here

We both run up to her apartment and knock on the door. There's no answer but the door is unlocked so I head inside. Y/N is sat on the floor crying, I head straight over and wrap my arms around her
Wanda- it's going to be okay
Y/N- everyone told me he was dead, I didn't think I'd ever see him again
Wanda- you don't have to do this
Y/N- someone's got to protect you
Wanda- I can protect myself Y/N, you know that
Y/N- I fought him all the time, I never won. He would always beat me and I never knew how but he did. He's strong and who knows what's happened since I last saw him
Nat- I'm sorry to bother you but I actually need Y/N to clear me so I can go on the mission
Y/N- you stick close to me and don't do anything stupid
Nat- I promise
Y/N- okay, let's see how this goes

I get into the car with Nat and Wanda, they are talking the whole way back but I don't say a word. I can't wrap my head around the fact he is back, I didn't know what to expect but knowing Hydra, it wasn't going to be good. We've arrive back before I realise and we head in
Tony- Y/N, follow me
I follow him down into the lab, I was just waiting for him to get angry and take me off the mission but I wasn't going to let him
Tony- are you okay kid?
Y/N- yeah, it was just unexpected
Tony- so 2 things, you owe me a new glass
I laugh and just nod along
Tony- and secondly, take this
He hands me a large box and I open it
Tony- I made you a suit, it's lightweight and allows you to be an idiot easier. There's a backpack to go with it which has multiple medical supplies in, when the bag is attached just say what you need and it'll get it for you
Y/N- this is incredible Tony, thank you
I give a him a hug and he pulls me in towards him.

It's mission time and I put my new suit on, I head down to the cars
Y/N- is Steve driving
Wanda- yeah why?
I throw the keys to Nat
Y/N- you can drive, he doesn't know where the accelerator is
It feels like we have been driving for hours and there is no sign of the winter soldier
Y/N- he's here, I can feel him
Nat- I don't know what that means
Y/N- they used similar serums on us so we are connected, it's not like a telepathy thing but more a sense of each other

You look up and see the winter soldier land on Steve's car.
Y/N- it's time.

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