Part 8- Sleepover

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Wanda POV-
I wake up to see Y/N isn't in bed anymore. I don't know why I came here last night but it felt right, she comforts me in ways I never knew I needed and that smile, it lights up any room.
I get up and there's a delicious smell in the air so I head out into the kitchen to see Y/N is cooking

Y/N- hey beautiful, how are you feeling?
Wanda- good morning, I feel okay. I think I just needed sleep
Y/N- well now you need food so sit down and I'll plate this up for you

I take a seat and watch her serve up, she had cooked some pancakes with strawberries and cream, it might not have been much but it was perfect for me.
Wanda- does all your food taste this good?
There was that damn smile again, it makes my heart pound and just makes me so happy.
Y/N- I like to cook so maybe I could impress you with a few other of my favourites but no, not everything tastes this good
She laughs as she starts to squirt the cream into her mouth and in my head, I knew I wanted a part of that.
She squirts more and I walk over to her, kissing her lips slowly taking control by putting my tongue into her mouth. The kiss is perfect, her lips soft and the sweet taste of cream.

I was not expecting her to kiss me but it was everything I wanted, she made me feel things and I didn't know how to deal with them.

Y/N- so I've got to head to work soon but you are more than welcome to spend the day here if you need some time
Wanda- are you sure? I don't want to intrude
Y/N- of course I'm sure, stay here and relax for the day. When I get home, I'll cook us some dinner and we can have a relaxing night
Wanda- sounds perfect

I go get ready for my fake job throwing on a pinstripe suit on top of a white shirt.
Y/N- okay so you've got everything you need here, if you do head out then there is a spare key in the draw over there
I head over and give her a quick kiss
Y/N- have a good day
I spend the day at the Hydra base training some of the new agents and giving them insights to how this job works. Most of them aren't cut out for this but they will be when I'm done with them.
After a long day, I head home praying Wanda is still there.

I walk through my front door to see candles on the table and a delicious smell filling the air.
Y/N- Wanda?
She comes out the bedroom in a red silk robe and my mouth drops wide open
Y/N- Holy Shit Wanda, you look incredible
Wanda- I wanted to say thank you for last night and I wanted to do it the best way I could think of
Y/N- yeah I.. Um... this works
She's got me flustered, I can't even get my words out properly. She looks incredible.

The robe is loosely tied around her waist with the collar grazing over her collarbones. It's only thigh length and I cannot keep my eyes off her body.

Wanda- are you going to come in or just stand there catching flies?
Y/N- you really know how to surprise a girl, but you didn't have to do all of this
Wanda- I wanted to Sonny, you do something to me that I've never felt before and it's so overwhelming because all I can ever think about is you.
Y/N- I don't stop thinking about you either Wanda

Her eyes light up as she pulls me close to her and I whisper in her ear
Y/N- you look ridiculously hot in that outfit but it's going to look a lot better on my floor soon
Wanda- let's go then
I take her hand and pull her towards the bedroom as I start taking off my jacket

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