Part 10- The Party

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I sat up and looked at Wanda, her cheeks getting red and breathing getting heavier
Y/N- hey it's okay, I don't want you seeing anyone else either. I think about you all the time and the thought of someone else being with you hurts a lot
Wanda- I'm not ready to be official yet but I know that I only want you and now, I want to get to know you and really see who you are
Y/N- I'm not the most interesting person in the world but I will give you my everything
Wanda- that's all I can ask for
She kisses me on the lips gently as my alarm goes off.

Wanda- I really don't want to go to work today, I messed up way too much
Y/N- look at me, you know you made a mistake so own it. Don't be afraid of it, walk into the office and be like yeah, I made a mistake and I apologise for that but I'm ready to work harder to make up for it. If anyone is petty with you after that then screw them and don't let them bother you.
Wanda- you always know what to say, thank you Sonny. I'll see you later
Y/N- later?
Wanda- we've got a party to go to together, it's a charity thing but I want you to meet some people
Y/N- yeah sure, just send me the details and I'll be there

It's been a long day training and strategising but it's now time to get ready. I'll admit, I'm not one who likes to dress up but it's for Wanda tonight. I put on a red jumpsuit with black heels and apply a little make up to make myself look more awake
There's a knock at the door and I see Wanda stood there, her eyes wide.
Wanda- wow, you are just wow
Y/N- thank you Wanda, you look wow yourself. So are you going to tell me who I'm meeting tonight?
Wanda- I'll explain everything when we get there

We sit talking the whole way there, laughing about random things until I see Stark Tower.
Y/N- we are going there?
Wanda- well yeah, I work there
Y/N- have you ever met Tony Stark? Is he as much of an ass as he seems?
She laughs a little
Wanda- I have met him and no, he's a nice guy if you are on his good side

She takes my hand as we walk inside and I see all the avengers there, talking to guests or each other. I take a deep breath and pray no one knows who I really am.
Nat- well this must be the girl Wanda can't stop talking about. I'm Natasha
Y/N- it's a pleasure to meet you Natasha, I'm Y/N but everyone calls me Sonny
Nat- Tony needs you Wanda, I'll stay with Sonny and get her a drink
Wanda looks at me and I give her a nod, she kisses my cheek and heads off into the crowd.
Nat- I've never seen her so head over heels for someone before
Y/N- she's special, the things that girl makes me feel is crazy
Nat- here
She hands me a shot and we clink glasses before drinking
Nat- so I'm just going to get this out of the way

Oh god, does she know who I really am? Has she managed to work it out? Is she going to take me to some basement and never let me see the sun again?

Nat- If you ever hurt Wanda, then I will have something to say about it. Do you understand me?
Y/N- I understand but I promise, I have no intentions of hurting her and honestly, I have no intentions of letting her go either.
Nat- so tell me a bit about yourself

The conversation continues for a while and I realise maybe Romanoff isn't the tough woman she is made out to be. She seems nice, maybe slightly protective of Wanda but that's good, it means Wanda has people who love her.

My phone starts to ring and I look down to see it is Strucker
Y/N- I'm so sorry but it's work, I've got to get this
Nat nods and I grab my phone heading outside.

Y/N- yes sir?
Strucker- we've got a mission for you, the documents will be ready for collection at 7am tomorrow.
Y/N- I'll be there sir, thank you.
Finally, I was back in action. I was hoping the avengers weren't going to be there, considering I now knew Wanda was affiliated with them somehow.

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