Part 27- It's me

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I wake up in unfamiliar surrounding, the room is dark and no one can be seen around me. I look around and see a few machines, one beeping showing I'm still alive which is always good to know.
I slowly sit up, my body aches and my head is pounding. I pull the IV out of my arm and cover it up so the bleeding stops. I take all the wires off my body and get out of the bed.
It's quiet, I look at the clock at see it is 2:07am so maybe everyone is in bed?
I head out the door and realise I'm back at the avengers tower, the last thing I remember is being at home with Nat and Wanda. Damn, that girl can punch hard.
Heading up the stairs and it's quiet, I'm not sure who is here but there is a light on in the kitchen so that's where I am going.

Y/N- hey
Steve turns around and pushes me against the wall, his hand wrapped around my throat
Steve- is it really you? Or are they controlling you?
Y/N- it's me
Steve- tell me something only she would know
Y/N- you got angry at me before the mission because I wiped mayonnaise on your suit cause it was all over my hands and I didn't have a towel
Steve let's go quickly and pulls me into his warm embrace.
Steve- I'm so sorry, I had to make sure
Y/N- it's okay Steve, where is everyone?
Steve- they are in bed, I was on watch for you tonight
Y/N- watch?
Steve- it's been 5 days Y/N, you hadn't woken up or moved so Wanda brought you here
Y/N- Jesus, she must be scared out of her mind
Steve- go see her, she needs to know you are okay
I nod and start to head out
Steve- Y/N?
I turn around and smile
Steve- it's good to have you back Kid

I didn't know how to do this, I didn't want to scare her but I wanted her to know I was okay, for her to know that she didn't have to be afraid anymore.
I stand outside her door and it's silent, there's no lights on so I gently turn the handle and open the door.
Wanda is asleep on Nat's chest, they look cute together but I knew that something wasn't going on.
I kneel down by the side of the bed and move the hair out of Wanda's face causing her to wake up.
Y/N- hey beautiful
Wanda- Sonny?
Y/N- I'm okay
She sits up and runs over to me, pulling me in close wrapping her arms around me.
Wanda- I didn't think you were coming back, I thought I'd lost you
Y/N- I'm here and it's okay, you did everything right
Wanda- how are you feeling? And don't lie to me
Y/N- my head hurts and my body aches a little but I can cope.

I look over and see Nat starting to wake up
Wanda- you should talk to her, she feels the worst out of us all. I'm going to get some water for us
I nod and she leaves the room
Nat sits up and looks at me, I kneel in front of her and she looks into my eyes
Nat- you're back, it's really you
Y/N- it's me Natasha, you saved me
She wraps her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist, I stand up pulling her in as close as possible. I can feel her tears running down my shoulder
Y/N- hey, don't cry. I'm okay and everything is going to be fine
Nat- I thought I killed you
Y/N- I mean you punch quite hard but it certainly didn't kill me
She laughs into my shoulder and I can feel her smiling
Y/N- there she is, there's my best friend

Wanda comes back into the room and puts the water on the table
I beckon her over and wrap an arm around her pulling her into the hug with Nat and I
She whispers in my ear
Wanda- thank you for being alive but most importantly, thank you for taking care of us even though it should be the other way round
Y/N- you are my girls, I'm always going to take care of both of you. No matter what happens, i will always be here for you
I put Nat down and she starts to yawn
Y/N- you both need to get some sleep
Wanda heads over to the bed and settles in, Nat starts to leave the room but I grab her hand
Y/N- you aren't going anywhere, you are staying with us
Nat smiles as I pull her over to the bed. I lay in the middle with Nat's head on my chest, Wanda lays close with her head resting on my shoulder. I kiss both their foreheads as they fall asleep quickly.
Y/N- goodnight girls

This was perfect. I was feeling good and I had both my girls. I looked at Wanda feeling pure happiness and it felt the same looking at Nat. They both loved me and both wanted to protect me, so why do things feel different?
Something felt off and I wasn't sure what it was, I just knew I didn't want this happiness to end.

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