Part 45- A New Start

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Wanda POV-
It had been a week since Y/N came back and she hasn't been the same.
She has nightmares every time she sleeps, I try reading her mind but she blocks me out completely. She knew what she was doing, she didn't want anyone to know what she went through and I understood.
We all tried our best to help but she didn't want to talk or be around anyone.

I headed up to her room and her door was open, it's unusual because she liked to live in a cave. The blinds were always down and the door closed. I head in and she isn't there.
Wanda- Y/N?
Steve- she's on the medical floor with Bruce, been there about an hour
Wanda- oh right, thanks
Was she okay? I had no idea she had to be checked out today, she was only there yesterday.
I rush to the medical room and see them both just talking so I hold back and listen a little

Y/N- so these will help?
Bruce- they should do, it's only mild but we can go stronger if needs be
Y/N- and in terms of working?
Bruce- no chance, you can't. Honestly, I think you should use some time off, relax and destress.
Y/N- it sounds like a good idea, I've always wanted to travel

She was going to go away for a while, I'd only just got her back and I didn't want to let go again. They keep talking and I head back to my room.

I knew Wanda was stood there, she forgot to block out her thoughts so I could hear her the whole time
Bruce- is she gone?
Y/N- yeah, she left
Bruce- okay so down to business. Fury said you can't work with the Avengers on these tablets but he's got a job offer for you
Y/N- what is it?
Bruce- he didn't tell me, here's his number.
Y/N- okay thanks Bruce, I really appreciate your help
I give him a hug before heading to see Wanda, I knew she had heard some of what we said and I needed to know what she thought

I knock on her door and there's no answer, I can hear her inside so I open it and walk in.
Y/N- hey
Wanda- are you leaving?
Y/N- I need a break
Wanda- I've only just got you back
Y/N- come with me
She stands up and faces me, I can see she has been crying. She looks me in the eyes and tilts her head
Wanda- are you being serious?
Y/N- yes, why can't we take a week off together?
Wanda- I can't just get up and leave
Y/N- we would come back
Wanda- I can't do it
Y/N- I understand, I've got to make a call so I'll see you later.
Swiftly, I left the room. I thought she'd come with me but I can see what her priorities are. I don't blame her, the avengers took her in and became her family after she lost everyone.

I needed some privacy so I take a walk round the compound, there's an old training room not in use so I grab a chair and head in there.
I dial up Fury and wait for him to answer.
Angela-  This is the Director's assistant, whom is calling?
Y/N- good morning, Fury asked me to call, it's Y/N
Angela- ah yes I see that, I'll put you through to him now
The phone beeps a couple times before connecting
Fury- it's nice to hear from you Y/N, how are you doing?
Y/N- you already know the answer to that but I'll lie and say I'm doing well
Fury- I like your positivity, let's get down to business shall we?

Fury explains the job and it feels like the right time to accept it. Wanda made her feelings clear and I'm not going to be angry at her for them. She needs the avengers more than she needs me so it's time to go.
Y/N- I would love to accept that offer Sir
Fury- perfect, tie up your loose ends and I'll see you in England tomorrow
Y/N- yes Sir, thank you again.

I head back inside and see all the avengers sat in the living room
Nat- we've been looking for you
Y/N- sorry, I had to make a phone call. I actually need to talk to all of you
Steve- what's up?
Y/N- there's no easy way to say this but I'm leaving
Wanda- what?
Y/N- I accepted a new job working for Shield in England, I leave tomorrow
Nat- you can't be serious
Bruce- congratulations Y/N, I'm glad the offer was what you needed
Wanda- you knew about this?
Y/N- he did, it's what's best for all of us. I can't be here anymore, it's just not the right thing for me
Nat- it's not the best thing for us!

I knew she was right and she wasn't going to like what I was about to say
Steve- I think it's time for the boys to leave
Y/N- Natasha, Wanda I'm sorry but we are over
Wanda- excuse me?
Y/N- I can't hold you both back whilst I'm gone, it's initially a year but if I do this well then it could become permanent
Nat- what is it?
Y/N- I've been given the England branch to run, I recruit new agents and help train them
Nat- that's an incredible job
Y/N- everything I've been through helps
Wanda- we are going to miss you

I wipe the tears from my eyes as they both come over. I pull them close
Y/N- you both saved my life more times than I could ever say. I can't thank you enough for the love you've shown me. I'm going to miss you but I know you'll be okay. I'm only a phone call away.

I leave the hug and head to my room. I packed my bags and said goodbye.
My time with the avengers was over, maybe I'd see them again one day....

Authors Note-
That's the end of Book 1! Thank you so much for all the support. I'm writing a new series as well as Book 2 for the mercenary, I hope they can both be out soon.
If you have any ideas for book 2 then please comment!

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