Part 7- The Aftermath

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I'm still stood there holding the knife when I hear Strucker in my comms
Strucker- don't kill her, we've got everything we need so it's time to leave agent.
Y/N- I'll distract them long enough and I'll teleport out of here, I'll head back to base and meet you there.
Strucker- copy that agent.

Romanoff starts to wake up and she's trying to free herself but your hold on her is too strong.
Y/N- this one is feisty, I like her. As much as I have enjoyed this, we've played this game long enough today so I'm gonna leave.
You throw Romanoff to the floor and teleport away from the fight.

Wanda's POV-
I got to the rest of the avengers as quick as I could. Nat was on the floor so I went straight to her.
Wanda- are you okay?
Nat- I'm fine, where the hell were you?
Wanda- excuse me? I was doing my job and protecting Clint. It's not my fault whoever they are beat your ass.
Nat- what did you say to me?

I wasn't dealing with her in that mood so I stormed off and went to make sure everyone else was okay.
The base had been cleaned down, a few scraps of paper left over but nothing that was of use to us.

Cap- they knew we were coming, whoever that mystery woman is, she is powerful. She knows how to stop all of us and none of us can get near her.
Wanda- next time, she is mine. She has hurt all of you enough.

I headed back to the jet, getting angry at them was no use because it wasn't their fault. I felt like I should've been there to help but they don't trust me enough yet. I've seen the mystery woman at work and she is good but I know I can block her powers or at least her into her head.

I get back to my apartment late after going through a debriefing and a quick medical check. Romanoff got off a few good punches but nothing that's caused major damage.

I have a quick shower and get ready for bed. The boss gave my mission to someone else after the surprise visit today, I can't say I'm too happy with that but I can't argue it. He could end me very easily so I just accept whatever he says.

I fall asleep quickly until a loud knocking wakes me up. I look at my alarm clock and it's 03:27am. Who the hell would be at my door at this time?
I turn my light on and head to the door, I look through the peep hole before opening it.
Y/N- Wanda? What are you doing here?
Wanda- I'm so sorry but I just needed a friendly face
Y/N- yeah okay, come on in.

She walks in and lays on the sofa so I grab a couple bottles of water. I hand it to her and she smiles at me.
Her hand resting on my leg once I've sat down, I look at her and notice she's been crying
Y/N- what's wrong hun? You know you can tell me anything?
Wanda- I messed up, I was supposed to help in the meeting and I just made it worse. I think everyone hates me.
Y/N- no one could hate you, if someone says they do then they are lying to you
I place my hand on her face to comfort her and she starts kissing it.

She sits up and straddles my lap, her arms wrapped around my neck while I wrap mine and her waist.
Y/N- I would love to do this Wanda but you are emotional, stressed and tired so let's just go to bed
Wanda jumps off your lap and starts to walk towards the door
Wanda- I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have just turned up here. I'll leave.
I follow her to do the door and pull her back towards me
Y/N- you are staying here, end of discussion.

I take her hand and pull her towards the bedroom, she sits on the bed as I head to my drawer and pull out an oversized T-shirt.
Y/N- sleep in this, it'll be a lot comfier than those jeans
She follows you into bed and you wrap you arms around her, her body gently easing into yours. Her legs wrapped around yours and you both fall asleep quickly.

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