Part 14- Life or Death

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This was my element, I knew I could take all of the agents down but I needed the others to trust me.
Y/N- Thor and Wanda, I need you to get behind me now. Clint head to the tops and take over watch
Wanda- I don't take orders from you
Y/N- I don't want you to die so do what I fucking say

Wanda and Thor run behind me and I start the next step.
I take a deep breath and close my eyes, blue strands of energy start growing from my hands, heading towards the Hydra agents. I can sense all of their feelings as I take over their minds causing them to drop their weapons and fall to their knees. All of them walk over to a nearby cell as I keep pushing them towards it. Their feelings are strong, most of them are fighting me but cannot win whilst some of them understand what they are doing is wrong and just want it to be over.
Wanda- how the hell can she do that? She's controlling what 40 people?
Nat- protect her at all costs, we cannot lose this advantage.
Y/N- shut the gate!

Wanda follows the orders and closes the gate locking all the agents inside. I fall to my knees weak from all the energy used but I can sense danger.
I run over and throw myself on top of Wanda protecting her from the blast. It sends us both flying causing us to be separated.
Everything is quiet as I try to lift myself up, blood pouring from my stomach whilst my leg has been impaled on an Iron spike.
Y/N- is everyone okay?
There's no reply
Y/N- fucking hell, someone answer me
There's a moment of silence
Wanda- we are okay, I'll find you
Y/N- no don't worry about me, finish the mission

I lay on the floor not being able to move. My head spinning as my vision starts to blur
Wanda- we need you, English girl.
Y/N- I'm sorry but I....
I can feel myself losing consciousness with my eyes struggling to stay open
Wanda- someone get to her now
Nat- I'm on my way

Nat POV-
I run over and see Y/N on the floor, there's blood all around her.
Nat- hey, you've got to wake up Y/N. Wanda needs you
Nothing. I check her pulse, it's there but faint.
Nat- Wanda, I need you here now
Wanda- I'm kinda busy right now, you deal with the newbie
Nat- Wanda! Get your ass here right now
Wanda- fine.

Wanda comes running over and notices the blood.
Nat- talk to her, she needs to hear a friendly voice
Wanda- I don't even know her
I take off Y/N's mask and shock grows all over Wanda's face
Nat- you can be angry or upset at her later but right now she needs you to help her because if we don't stop this bleeding, she will die.
I can see Wanda's eyes staring to glaze over as tears roll down her face, she's been through a lot in her life and losing the one person who she cares for the most would ruin her.
I take her hands and place them over Y/N's stomach wound ensuring she's applying pressure. Y/N let's put a slight grunt from the pain
Nat- you hear that? She's alive and we need to keep her that way. Keep the pressure on there and I'll get the aid kit. Talk to her Wanda, she needs to hear a friendly voice.
Wanda- go, I've got her.
I run off.

Wanda's POV-
I look down at her lifeless and fragile, she wasn't the woman I knew anymore but I still couldn't help but think of the worst.
Wanda- you've got to stay with me Sonny because you owe me dinner. We can sit around all day watching your shitty old films whilst cuddling. You can cook me your favourite dish while the rest of our friends come round and you give everyone that god damn smile.
I can't do this without you Y/N, I need you to stay with me.
Y/N- I'm sorry for not telling you
Her words were weak, she didn't have much left in her but she was trying
Wanda- don't speak, I know you were trying to protect me
Y/N- I couldn't let them get to you, I was only trying to be the best for you

Her eyes close again as she starts to fade away. Clint comes running over with the med kit
Wanda- Where's Nat?
Clint- she's bringing the jet here, mysterious girl here needs it
The jet lands down as sand blows towards me, I protect Y/N as best I can.
We rush her into the jet and all I can do is pray for her now.

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