Part 41- Naples

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A few weeks have passed and missions have been quiet. I'd spent most of my time with Nat, Wanda and Peter. They all were good for me and it's what I needed.
Steve and J have been spending a lot of time together, Bruce figured out how to remove the brainwashing techniques and it seems J was back to normal.
It was hard to see him spending so much time with Steve but I understood, he'd also asked me to call him Bucky which is taking some getting used to.

I was preparing lunch when I was interrupted
Jarvis- Y/N, Mr Stark has requested your presence in the meeting room
Y/N- tell him I'll be there in 5 minutes.
I finish sorting out lunch and leave it out for people to grab when they want it, I head to the meeting room to see Tony stood with a woman

Tony- glad you could join us Y/N, this is Agent Hill
Hill- it's good to finally meet you Y/N, I've heard lots about you
Y/N- I would say the same but I didn't know you existed
Hill- that's how I like it, anyway, I need you for a mission
Y/N- just me?
Tony- it'll be you and Agent Hill, it's a intelligence gathering mission and I think you're best suited to it. You'll be watching what we believe to be a new Hydra base, we need to know the security schedule as well as who is heading in and out
Y/N- don't you have people to do this type of work?
Hill- usually but this one is different, we've received word that they are working with an unknown enemy
Y/N- so the fact I'm ex hydra is working in our favour?
Tony- precisely, you leave this afternoon.

A couple hours have passed and I've said my goodbyes to people. Natasha told me it was strange that Hill was going on the mission and said I should dig a little deeper into what was actually going on. I had no idea who she was but she seems important so I took the advice on board.
Wanda told me to not get hurt even though I was going to be sat watching people all day.

I head to the Quinjet with my things and see Agent Hill is already there.
Y/N- so where are we going?
Hill- Italy, Naples to be precise
Y/N- nice place, assassinated someone there before
I notice her glance at me as I smirk before the jet takes off. We arrive in what feels like no time at all, we spent the flight talking and getting to know each other. She was a closed book but that was okay, I just knew I could trust her.

We arrive in Naples and head to our apartment, it's spacious with a couple good size rooms. We set up the equipment in the main room whilst we have a bedroom each.
Y/N- you hungry? I can rustle up something with what they gave us?
Hill- sounds good, can you cook?
Y/N- I cook all the meals at the compound, I learnt to cook so I knew I wasn't being poisoned
Hill- interesting reason

It's late by the time we've eaten and cleaned up
Y/N- you look tired, get some rest and I'll take the first shift
Hill- you sure?
Y/N- I don't sleep much so yeah go for it
Our apartment overlooked the new base giving us a good view point to see what was happening. I noted down anything I could see and before I realised, it was morning already.

Hill- have you been awake all night?
Y/N- it seems that way
Hill- found anything so far?
Y/N- there were no ins or outs, guard rotation around the clock with new shifts starting at 11pm and 6am.
Hill- that's impressive work
Y/N- I did this type of work for a couple years so I find it easy
Hill- you should get some rest now, I'll take over
Y/N- can I ask, why'd they send you if you're such a high ranking agent?
Hill- I'll be honest, they wanted me to make sure you were not playing us
Y/N- who did?
Hill- Director Fury and the council

There it is, that's the reason I had been selected for this mission. I knew they didn't want me for what I could do, Shield just wanted to make sure I wasn't actually a threat to them. I figured I had proven myself already but obviously not.
Y/N- I appreciate your honesty, all my observations are written down for you
I head to my room and try to get some rest, I hadn't been sleeping very well so I was happy when I got a few hours sleep. I leaned against the doorway watching Agent Hill.

Hill- are got just going to stand there or are you going to help?
I laugh and walk over
Y/N- you want anything to eat?
Hill- I'd love to cook if you'd let me
Y/N- okay yeah, I'll take watch
We switch places and she heads to the kitchen, the aroma is incredible and I'm hoping it tastes as good as it smells.
We are eating and I notice a car pull up
Y/N- Eyes on.
Hill- I've got them

A tall dark haired man steps out the car, I'd never seen him before but I could sense Hill had
Y/N- do we know who that is?
Hill- unfortunately, we do
Y/N- so who is he?
Hill- he is the God of mischief, Loki Laufeyson
Y/N- another God, how exciting
Hill- brother to the one you've already met, I need to inform the Director about this. Our mission doesn't change, it may just adjust how long we are here now we know who the sidekick is

This Loki character seemed like he'd got under Hill's skin, I didn't know what he had done in the past but it had effected her, this mission was far from just information retrieval and I knew, it wasn't going to finish any time soon.

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