Part 36- The Gala

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We spend a few hours walking in the nearby area, I grab some sweets to take back with me because America doesn't have majority of what I like
Y/N- what do you want?
Wanda- they all look weird?
Y/N- I'll just grab everything then
I pay for the food and head outside the shop when my phone starts ringing
Y/N- hello Master
Tony- I like that name, anyway where are you?
Y/N- just took a trip out, why?
Tony- there's a special Gala tonight so the Mayor can thank you for saving his life
Y/N- I literally cannot think of anything worse
Tony- well you have to be there

I teleport us both back home and head to see Tony
Y/N- so what does this Gala entail?
Tony- you'll turn up, look nice, pose for some photos and do an interview with a reporter
Y/N- good publicity I'm assuming?
Tony- very good
Y/N- what do I get from it?
Tony- you get to keep staying here for free and your special little trips can continue
Y/N- fine

It's time to get ready and Tony said I need to look my best. I'm not one to usually dress up but I decided to go all out tonight. I find a sleek black dress, it's long with a slit down the side of the leg. I straighten my hair and apply a little make up, a vibrant red lipstick to add to the look. I head downstairs and all eyes are on me
Y/N- what's wrong?
Wanda- you look incredible
Y/N- why thank you my lady
I can see her blush a little, I turn and look at Natasha who cannot form a sentence. She has the look of wanting to speak but isn't able to
Tony- okay let's go

The Gala is packed with people and reporters, camera flashes everywhere as Tony offers his hand to help me out of the car. I avoid the cameras as much as possible, people were going to find out who I was sooner rather than later but I liked my privacy.
Y/N- bloody hell, I need a drink
Wanda- way ahead of you
She hands me a shot and I down it
Tony- you ready for your interview?
Y/N- let's do it

I walk over with Tony to a woman stood on her own.
Tony- Sonny, this Kate
Kate- nice to meet you Sonny
Y/N- the pleasure is all mine
Kate- shall we?
Y/N- we shall
I follow her to a table at the side and sit down. I can see Wanda and Natasha both staring at me so I decide to have a little fun
Y/N- is this going to be okay for an interview? It's a little loud in here so I don't mind finding a different room if you'd prefer
Kate- that would honestly be amazing
Y/N- I'll grab us some drinks first, what would you like?
Kate- I'd love a white wine
Y/N- good choice
I grab the drinks and follow Kate into a different room

Y/N- the quiet is nice, I get a little overwhelmed by these events
Kate- why's that?
Y/N- I've never been good with people, I find it hard to connect
Kate- I think we've connected
Y/N- I would agree, shall we begin?
We spend the next couple hours talking, I answer as much as possible without revealing too much about the avengers or my past
Kate- well I think that's everything
Y/N- perfect
Kate- can I ask one last thing? Off record?
Y/N- of course
Kate- are you dating anyone?
Y/N- there is someone yes but it's not official
She walks over and kisses my cheek
Kate- let's head back

I follow her into the main room where the Gala is till in full swing. I can feel my body tense up as Kate takes my hand
Kate- you literally save people daily, I'm sure you can deal with these
Y/N- I don't have to talk to the people I help, I normally just disappear or get blown up
We laugh as I notice Wanda and Natasha again watching us
Y/N- can I borrow your pen?
I take the pen and write down my number
Y/N- if you ever need to get in contact, you know for the story
I wink at her and I can see her starting to blush
Y/N- thank you for your company tonight Kate, I have enjoyed myself
Kate- oh the pleasure is mine. Hopefully, I'll see you soon Sonny

I head over to the bar and grab a beer, I needed it after tonight. It's been a long night, I don't usually drink at these events but I needed something to settle me down.
Wanda- you gave her your number?
Y/N- I sense a little jealousy
Wanda- are you being serious? After everything we've done for you
Y/N- calm down, it's in case she has any follow up questions
Wanda- oh yeah, hi Sonny quick question, can I fuck you tonight?
I laugh to myself and take another sip of my drink
Y/N- I think someone has had too much to drink tonight, maybe you should ease off
Wanda- maybe you should realise that you're in a relationship whether you like it or not
Y/N- nobody ever asked me, with you and Nat I just assumed we could sleep with whoever we wanted
Wanda- you're still angry about that?
Y/N- I never stopped being angry, I know you have both done loads for me and I can't ever say thank you for that but things haven't been the same
Wanda- it's better now Sonny
Y/N- for you maybe. Tony needs me so I'm gonna go

I walk off leaving her at the bar and see Nat coming towards me
Y/N- you need to speak to Wanda, she's angry and drunk
Nat nods and heads to Wanda whilst I see what Tony wants
Tony- You certainly made an impression on Kate
Y/N- you asked me to be at my best so that's what I gave her
Tony- heard she got your number as well
Y/N- business purposes only
Tony- go for it. We all know Nat and Wanda have started sleeping together again so a fresh face around would be nice
Y/N- wait what do you mean again?

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