Part 12- The Reveal

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I undid the clasp under my chin and started to pull the strap out
Tony- Stop. We don't need to know who you are for us to help you.
Y/N- oh thank god for that, I know you won't trust me but I didn't know who else to go to with this.
Tony- explain everything to us and then we will make a plan

I spend the next couple of hours explaining what Hydra is planning to do and all the avengers sit listening carefully.
Y/N- so that's everything, if you want me to help you then I'm all in but I understand if you want me to stay away
Tony- head outside for a while and we will talk about it.

I stand on the balcony watching the world go by. I take off the mouth cover so I can get some fresh air when I hear someone behind me.
Y/N- it's peaceful here
Nat- what's hydra like then?
Y/N- it's nothing like this, it's dark and just not welcoming. You can hear the screams of people they are torturing but the worst part is listening to people laughing about it. You have to understand, if I could have left earlier, then I would have.
Nat- why were you there so long?
Y/N- it's not something I usually talk about but my parents were scientists for Hydra. They worked on developing DNA strands would come be implanted into a developing child. Hint why they had me.
Nat- is that what gave you powers?
Y/N- not at the start, I had a normal childhood with no powers. One day, my family got attacked and I reacted. My powers came out and I killed every agent there. I was only 15 when that happened
My parents tested new serums on me all the time, trying to develop as many powers as they could but they never seemed to work until then.
Nat- I'm sorry to hear that happened to you but what made you stay?
Y/N- I was a freak, my parents convinced me Hydra was the place to be. It started as simple missions like watching people or just gathering information but slowly became defending others and killing the enemy.
Nat- so why now?
Y/N- if I'm honest, I've fallen in love with this incredible person and I can't keep being the villain. Hydra are doing something they shouldn't and it's going to hurt millions. If I sat back and watched it happen then I'm no better than any of them.

The emotion would have been obvious as tears rolled down my eyes but the mask was stopping Romanoff from seeing them.
I felt her pull me into her and she hugged me. I didn't know why she was doing it but I knew I needed it. My head rested in the crease of her neck as she held me tight.

Nat- I'm so sorry they did that to you. We want to help you but there's things we need from you first
You have to tell someone who you are because we need to know.
Y/N- some of you already know me, I've had conversations with a couple of you before
Nat- seriously? I think I'd remember that
Y/N- yeah well I don't always sound the same. I have this whole life I've built so I could get away and I know it's going to implode because of this.

I can feel her take my hand and she looks me in the eyes
Nat- you can tell me who you are and I won't tell anyone
Y/N- you are going to hate me but I know I have to do it.

I take my mask off and her eyes widen
Y/N- surprise, you obviously know I'm Y/N or Sonny as Wanda calls me
Nat- Have you been playing Wanda?
Y/N- I only found out Wanda was involved with Stark the other night and today was when I found out she had powers. I had no idea who she was before.
Nat- she needs to know Sonny, it's not fair on her
Y/N- I can't tell her yet, I need her focused on the mission. After that, I'll tell her and she can decide what's the best thing for us.

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