Part 22- Undercover

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I stand with my back to the wall, my breath heavy and my cheeks red. Wanda has one hand on my chest gently pushing me against the wall whilst her other hand is tracing the outline of my abs.
Y/N- you should really ask before touching things that aren't yours
Wanda- I'm sorry, Sonny please let me touch you
I just nod. My heart is pounding as the butterflies start in my stomach again.

Her fingers running all over my stomach finding a weak spot as I tense up
Wanda- you liked that, didn't you Y/N?
Y/N- your touch drives me crazy
Wanda- I'm glad I've still got that effect on you
I overpower her and pull her closer to me, our lips locking instantly. The kiss is aggressive as she fights for dominance but I take control, my tongue pushing it's way into her mouth. She moans a little and I smirk as we continue to kiss.
I feel her hand getting lower and reach down to grab it
Y/N- that's not happening today
Wanda- okay, I'll take whatever I can get
I kiss her again gently and pull away quickly
Y/N- I'll see you later Wanda
I leave her stood there as I head into the kitchen

Heading into the kitchen, I see Nat, Tony, Clint and Steve sat round the table deep in discussion
Tony- Y/N, come join us, we've got a mission
I head over and see the mission plans
Tony- what do you see?
Y/N- it's a weapons exchange taking place at a nightclub. 2 blending in with 1 at the bar. 2 outside and 1 here on comms. Can't put Steve or Tony inside because you are both too well known, Natasha hasn't been cleared so she's on comms. Clint takes the bar whilst Wanda and I take the room and dance floor.
Tony- damn, you're good. Get some rest, the mission takes place tonight
Y/N- sounds like a plan

I leave the table and head to the fridge
Nat- are you and Wanda going to be okay doing this together?
Y/N- don't worry about me Natasha, I'm a professional. If she becomes annoying, I'll duplicate myself and she can annoy them
Nat- I'm being serious, I'll be watching the whole time so I'll know if she does anything
Y/N- honestly, it'll be fine. Now, I'm going to make some pasta, do you want to help or just eat it?
Nat- I'll watch and then eat it
I spend the next hour making lunch whilst Nat asks every question under the sun about what I'm doing. Considering she's such a top spy, she has no idea about cooking or basic day to day things.

It's time for the mission and Tony has sorted out my outfit. I have to say, I'm not liking what he has picked. It's a little short compared to what I would usually wear but it'll have to do.
I put on the red sparkly dress and add some neutral coloured heels. The dress barely covers the scar on my leg so I add a little make up to cover it up, I lightly curl my hair and allow it to fall just under my shoulders.
Wanda- holy shit, you look incredible
Y/N- I always do Wanda, it's why you don't stop staring at me
Wanda- oh uh yeah, it's time to go
We head downstairs and everyone is staring at us
Steve- holy smokes Y/N
Y/N- if anyone else makes a comment on how short this dress is then I'm going to shove that water bottle where the sun don't shine
Steve- and there is our girl

I'm sat in a booth at the club whilst Wanda is grabbing us drinks
Nat- can you hear me Y/N?
Y/N- yeah all clear
Nat- target had entered the building and is currently sat in the far corner towards the DJ. He is wearing the burgundy blazer.
Y/N- copy that, I see him
Wanda comes back to the table with a couple drinks and she hands me one

Wanda- so we could talk now, it's not like we can do anything until he makes his move
Y/N- let's just focus on the mission
Wanda- it's hard to when I can't stop staring at you
Y/N- we aren't doing this
Wanda- why can't we Y/N? After what happened in the training room, we should talk
Y/N- later Wanda, not right now
Nat- target is on the move, follow behind but do not be seen
Y/N- copy that

We follow the seller until he's outside in an alleyway, Tony is situated on the roof whilst Steve is at the opposite end of the alley
Y/N- how do you want to play this?
Tony- we need to see the weapon before we can make a move, if they don't have it here then we have to follow

Seller- I'm glad you could make it, this device will help you gain control of any network you could possibly want
Buyer- I'm in
They swap the money and device.
Tony- MOVE IN!

I spot 3 guards so create 3 others of myself to fight them, I send them in first as Wanda and I trail behind. Tony and Steve handle the buyer and seller whilst I collect the weapon.
Y/N- so, what do I do with this now?
Tony- we take it back with us and figure out what it does
Y/N- means I can finally take this dress off
Wanda walks beside me and whispers into my ear 'I can give you a hand with that' while her hand grazes against my leg
Y/N- this woman is going to be the death of me one day

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