Part 17- Awake

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Wanda's eye light up
Wanda- someone you love?
She bites her lip as she looks me in my eyes
Y/N- yeah Clint, such a great guy
I try to hold back laughter as she lightly punches my arm laughing
Y/N- seriously though, yes Wanda I realised I loved you the moment I left
Wanda- why didn't you come back?
Y/N- I'm a monster, you deserve better than me and we both know it. I need to check on Natasha
I stand up but lose balance, Wanda jumps up and catches me
Wanda- still falling for me hey?
Y/N- thanks, I was a bit lightheaded there for a second
Wanda- it's because you need to eat, let's get you some food and then you can check on Natasha

We both wander into the kitchen and I grab an apple.
Wanda- you've got to eat more than that
Y/N- I've got things to do Wanda, I'd prefer to be hungry then let Natasha die
Wanda- is she going to die?
I can see the fear in her eyes, she was struggling to hide it and I knew she needed to hear the truth
Y/N- the truth is I did everything I could and now, it's down to her. Getting through the next 12 hours is huge. I'll go check on her now

I couldn't deal with seeing Wanda like that, she had shown me that side before and I knew how she felt. Losing someone close to you is hard and then dealing with it, that's just heartbreaking.
I head into the medical room and see everyone sat around Nat
Y/N- okay so the party is over. Everyone needs to leave so I can run some tests
Bruce- need any help?
Y/N- no it's okay, you've all been on tough missions so get some rest and I'll inform you if anything changes.
Everyone has left and I'm alone with Nat, I check her vitals and she's stable. There's not much I can do now so I pull up a chair and sit next to here. She's not going to want to wake up alone. I take her hand in mine so she knows someone is here.

Nat's POV-
I start to open my eyes and notice different surroundings, I remember being shot but not much after that. When the bullet hit me, everything went dark and quiet rather quickly.
I wake up to see Y/N asleep next to me, her hand in mine so I gently shake her and she shoots up
Y/N- hey, how you feeling?
Nat- what are you doing here? I thought we were never going to see you again?
Y/N- well someone had to save your life and turns out, that someone was me so
Nat- you took the bullet out?
Y/N- yep, also repaired the surrounding damaged tissue and removed some dead tissue
Nat- how?
Y/N- it's my job Natasha, now what's your pain like? 1 being none and 10 being worst you've ever felt

If I was being honest, the pain was bad but I didn't want people to know I'm weak
Nat- yeah it's like a 7
Y/N- okay so that means a 9 cause I know you won't be truthful. It's going to take a while for you to be back to yourself and I'll be here for a couple more days to make sure you start to heal properly
Nat- then what? You are going to leave again?
Y/N- we can talk about that later, you need to get some more rest. There's also someone who has been waiting to see you

Y/N walked over to the door and called Steve in, he ran over and occupied the chair Y/N had previously been sat in.
Steve- you scared us out there, you know you are supposed to avoid bullets
Nat- not all of us have superpowers
I turned and saw that Y/N had left the room
Nat- did she really save my life?
Steve- she operated on you for 6 hours, Bruce checked on you when she was done and he said her work was superb

I felt bad for the girl, she had a rough childhood and all Hydra did was use her. Then she asked for our help and we used her to, it's no surprise she didn't trust any of us.

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