Part 23- Nightmare

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It's 2am by the time we've finished mission debrief, Nat was already in bed when we arrived back and the rest of the avengers were heading that way
Tony- Y/N, I set up the spare room before we left so you can crash in there
Y/N- that's great, thank you Tony
The things I brought with me have been put in the room so I grab my T-shirt and wear that to bed. It's been a long day so I fall asleep quickly.

I'm stood in the main building with J, our mission failed and Strucker has requested to see us
Strucker- you are both failures, if you followed the plan then we wouldn't have to do this. Take J to the other base, Sonny stays here
Y/N- NO! Don't leave J
J- it's okay Sonny, I'll see you again soon
I try to break away from the guards but one smacks his gun into my leg causing me to fall.

They drag me out of the room and into another, strapping me down onto a table
Y/N- please don't, I'll be better next time. We won't fail
Agent- shut up.
He flicks a switch sending electrical currents through my body
Y/N- AGGHHH, please stop, I'll be good I promise
Agent- this is only the start
Y/N- no please don't

Strucker walks in and smiles
Y/N- please don't, I'll comply just don't say anything
Strucker- you know that's not how this works Sonny, you must be taught a lesson. If you have completed the mission correctly then you would not be in this position
He grabs a book from the side and starts to speak.
*End of Flashback*

Wanda POV-
I hadn't been asleep long when I was awoken by screaming. I jumped out of bed and followed the source to the spare room
Y/N was still asleep but she was having a nightmare. I tried getting into her head but she's too strong, she holds me back with ease. I sat on the bed next to her allowing the nightmare to run it's course when she shots up.

Her breathing was heavy and fast, she looked confused almost as if she didn't know where she was
Wanda- hey it's okay, I'm here Y/N
Y/N- where am I? What happened?
Wanda- just take a breath and calm down
I wrap my arms around her and her body eases into mine. I can feel her getting calmer by the second.
Wanda- that's better, are you okay?
She just shakes her head and I hold her tighter
Wanda- do you want to talk about it?
She shakes her head again
Wanda- okay, well you need to get some sleep
Y/N- can you stay?
I smile
Wanda- I'm not going anywhere

I let go of her and lay down, she rolls back over laying her head on my chest and her arm over my stomach
Wanda- it's okay Y/N, you're safe here. No one is going to hurt you
Y/N- thank you for being here, you didn't have to be
Wanda- you needed me Y/N, I'm always going to be here for you
I run my hand gently over her back, I can feel her body losing tension as her eyes slowly start to close again.
We both fall asleep.

I wake up and see Wanda smiling at me
Y/N- hey beautiful
Wanda- good morning, how are you feeling?
Y/N- the nightmare was about when they separated J from me. The things they did to get me back in line, it felt so real and it felt like I was there again
Tears are rolling down my face as Wanda pulls me closer
Wanda- I lost my brother a few years ago
I sit next to her and watch as she's speaking
Wanda- he saved Clint's life but lost his, it's why Clint has always been protective of me because I lost the person who used to protect me
Y/N- I'm really sorry to hear that Wanda, I know it's tough to lose family. It's always hard but I'm here if you ever want to talk about him. I'd like to know who he was when you are ready
She just smiles at me as tears fill her eyes.
Wanda- I can't live without you Y/N and I don't want to go on anymore without telling you that I love you
Y/N- I love you too
I kiss her as there's a knock at the door
Y/N- come in
Nat- sorry, am I interrupting?
I look at Wanda who is smirking but shake my head
Nat- Tony needs help with the device from last night, he's worked out it's Hydra so thought you'd be able to crack it?
Y/N- I'll come have a look, I just need to get home quickly to actually have some clothes
Wanda- I don't mind you wearing no clothes
Nat- okay so I'm leaving now

I teleport home and quickly get changed. I throw on some sports leggings, my sports bra and an oversized hoodie. I grab a bag throwing some spare clothes in there thinking there's no harm keeping some at the tower. I grab an apple before teleporting back into the lab.
Y/N- so what did you need from me Tony?
Tony- see if you can crack this, we know it's Hydra but our computers wont recognise the source
I take a look at the drive and notice a marking on the side, it's a rose flower. That makes this easier for me.
Y/N- have you got any computers not connected to the avengers or Stark industries? Maybe one that is like 7/8 years old?
Tony- I've got a couple but I don't know if they work. I'll grab them for you
He brings over two old computers and I load one of them up plugging in the drive

The drive kicks in and the files pop up, I run a quick safety check and notice a virus implanted which I overrule by using a basic blocker.
Y/N- and you are in, I think there's some hidden files on there but I've taken down the virus and the rest is for you to do
Tony- I appreciate the help
Y/N- oh Tony, I left a file on your desk of a potential new recruit, I've been watching him for a while and he was in Hydras vision so maybe you'd wanna jump in before they do
Tony- yeah sure, I'll have a look and see what he's like
Y/N- okay cool, I'll be in the training room if you need me.

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