Part 28- Breakfast

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Wanda POV-
I wake up and see Nat is asleep still but Y/N isn't in bed anymore.
Was I dreaming last night? It felt so real and it makes me so happy to think that she is okay.
Quietly, I roll out of bed and throw some clothes on before heading downstairs. There's a delicious smell in the air and that's when I knew, I hadn't been dreaming. There's only one person here who can cook like that and it's my girl.
Wanda- good morning babe
She doesn't reply so I walk over and wrap my arms around her waist. She pulls her EarPods out and turns in my arms
Y/N- hey gorgeous, how'd you sleep?
Wanda- perfect with you there
There's that damn smile again, it only happens when she's nervous or feeling awkward which happens when I compliment her, she's not good at accepting them. She doesn't feel like she deserves them so she shies away from them.

I wrap my arms around her pulling her close to me.
Y/N- I'm sorry I was out for so long, I had no idea how much time had passed
Wanda- it's okay babe
I blink and tears start to roll down my face
Wanda- hey, don't get upset. Please, I don't want to see you cry
Y/N- I can't help it, it was so painful and then not coming back to you quick enough
She cuts me off with a soft, delicate kiss
Wanda- the important thing is you came back, it doesn't matter how long it took, you're here
I turn around and keep cooking

Wanda- what smells so delicious?
Y/N- there's a berry parfait in the fridge, I've got cake sponges in the oven and I'm currently cooking the best breakfast burger I've ever made
Wanda- bloody hell, how long have you been awake?
I look at my watch and realise the time, it's currently 8:06am
Y/N- oh yeah um not long
Wanda spins me around and stares at me slowly tilting her head
Wanda- what time did you get up?
Y/N- about 4am
Wanda- Jesus Christ Y/N, why haven't you slept?
Y/N- I cook when I'm anxious

I finish cooking and serve her a burger
Wanda- what's in this?
Y/N- it's simple, there's a sausage patty, fried egg, bacon with a homemade spicy tomato sauce
She takes a bite and stares at me before finishing her mouthful
Wanda- how the hell can something be this simple but so delicious?
Y/N- you've got something
I point to her mouth and she misses it every time
Y/N- let me get it
I bend down and lean in towards her gently kissing her lips before using my tongue to move the sauce from her lips
Wanda- you shouldn't have done that
Y/N- why? You gonna punish me?
I walk off knowing the others are coming downstairs

Everyone else walks in and I serve them breakfast, the mood is high and everyone seems happy
Tony- Y/N, can we chat in private quickly?
I follow Tony into the hall
Tony- I wanted to ask if you were okay for the mission today? If you want a day off then I completely understand
Y/N- I'm not ready. It's probably best I have some time to get myself back to me
Tony- That's okay kid, I agree with your decision and honestly, you look like you need the rest. Take as much time as you need
Y/N- I'm still going to train though
Tony- I was hoping you'd train the new guy. I looked at the file and thought he'd be good for us
Y/N- yeah, I'd love to
Tony- I'm supposed to pick him up later, you can go instead if you'd like?
Y/N- sounds good, it'll give me a chance to bond with him

I walk back into the kitchen and Wanda is staring at me, I smile at her and she goes back to talking to Nat
Y/N- good morning Natasha, how are we today?
Nat- I'm good, your food is incredible by the way
Y/N- I'm a woman of many talents
Wanda- preach it, she's very good with her hands
I laugh and lean towards Wanda, my cheek against hers and I whisper into her ear
Y/N- if you talk like that, then I may have to fuck you right here on this table
I pull back, her eyes flash red at me as I start to walk away

Tony- okay everyone, we've got a mission today. It requires everyone except Y/N who is staying here
Wanda- what? Why?
Tony- she's not ready yet, it's best for the team
Wanda- you can't do this to her
Y/N- Wanda calm down, it was my choice. I'm not ready to be out there yet
Wanda- he didn't force you?
Y/N- not at all, Tony was great
Wanda- sorry Tony
Tony- apology accepted, secondly we've got a new kid in later. Y/N will be working with him for a while to see if he is ready for it. Go easy on the kid
Y/N- don't worry, I'm a good teacher
Everyone leaves and starts to get ready but Wanda stays sitting so I head over and sit next to her

Wanda- why aren't you ready?
Y/N- I don't feel right, there's something wrong and I know it but I can't identify what that is
Wanda- do you need me to stay here?
Y/N- not at all, I'll be fine and I've got the kid here so I'll be okay
Wanda- why do you seem fine?
Y/N- I was trained to lie, I don't even mean to do it sometimes
Wanda- don't hide how you feel from me Sonny, I love you and care about you. I want to know what's going on
Y/N- I can still feel it, I can feel them trying to get in my head. I know it's not going to work but it hasn't gone away
Wanda- why didn't you tell me?
Y/N- I don't want you to worry
Wanda- I always worry about you, you are the person I can't lose
Y/N- you should get ready, you don't want to be late. We can finish this later
She kisses the top of my head and leaves.

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