Part 32- The Unexpected

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We walk up to the kitchen, her arm wrapped around me the whole time. I knew she was trying to help, it's not like I didn't want to eat, I just didn't feel the need to.
Wanda- there's not much here, I'll take you out to get some but at least eat this
She hands me a small chocolate bar and I eat it
Wanda- where do you want to go? I've heard there's a nice seafood place round here
Y/N- you obviously don't know me that well
Wanda- oh, don't you like seafood?
Y/N- deadly allergic to shellfish and white fish doesn't agree with me either. I'm sure you could find an easier way to kill me
I chuckle to myself but she doesn't find it funny.

Y/N- as much fun as this was, I'm going to bed now.
I stand up and make it a few steps before tripping, someone catches me and I look to see who
Nat- are you okay?
Y/N- thank you but I'm fine
Wanda- no she isn't
Nat- what's wrong?
Y/N- I'm fine, trust me
Wanda- she hasn't eaten in days and I don't know the last time she slept either
Nat- let's get you to bed and then later, we can think about eating. You aren't steady so I'll carry you
She lifts me up and I lean into her. I don't know why she's being nice considering I was going to fight her a while ago.

She takes me to my room and places me on the bed, she goes to leave but I grab her hand.
Y/N- I don't want to be alone right now
Nat- you want me to stay?
Y/N- I want you to stay Natasha
I shuffle over and she lays next to me, I lay my head on her chest and she wraps her arm around me
Y/N- I'm sorry
Nat- for what?
Y/N- for the way I reacted earlier
Nat- that's okay, we can talk about it later

The truth is, I didn't want to talk right now. I gently lift her shirt up and run my hand under it. My fingers delicately tracing over her stomach causing her to tense
Y/N- Do you like that Natasha?
Nat- I do
My hand slowly makes its way further up, I tease along her bra line causing a small gasp to escape her lips
Y/N- you really do like that
Nat- we shouldn't do this
Y/N- tell Wanda to join if you prefer, I could fuck you both until neither of you can walk
She grabs her phone and minutes later Wanda comes in
Wanda- is everything okay?
Y/N- the truth is, I need to feel something right now and I'm going to fuck both of you so hard that you wish you never came here

Nat stands up and whispers something in Wanda's ear causing her eyes to flash red. She quickly dashes out of the room before returning with a small bag
Y/N- what's in there?
She pulls out 2 pairs of handcuffs handing one to Nat
Wanda- we think it's better that we show you a good time
They lock the handcuffs to my wrist and the other end to the headboard.
Nat- we will give you everything you ever thought of and more but first
Nat turns around and kisses Wanda, their hands all over each other. I could feel my heart beating quickly, I tried to sit up but the cuffs were too strong
Wanda- someone is getting needy
Nat straddles my lap and kisses me gently, the kiss starts to deepen as she pushes her tongue into my mouth. I'm usually one for control but I give it all to her, she pulls away gently biting my lip
Nat- I didn't take you as the submissive type
Wanda- she dominates me

Wanda walks over and starts to unbutton my jeans, pulling them down in one smooth action. She presses her thumb on my underwear line causing my hips to lift towards her
Nat- she liked that
Wanda- she likes me inside of her
I let out a small moan and I can see them both smirking
Nat- who do you want first?
Y/N- you.
She gets off my lap and switches places with Wanda who now starts kissing down my neck
Wanda- this shirt is in the way
She rips the fabric and pulls it off my body. She stares at me noticing my eyes turn black again
Wanda- well that's new for the bedroom
Nat- it's kinda hot though

Nat removes my underwear and pushes my legs open
Nat- you are so wet, I haven't even got to the good part yet
Her fingers thrust inside causing a loud gasp to escape my lips
Wanda- I love that noise
Nat- you fit perfectly around my fingers
Y/N- maybe you were meant to be inside me
Wanda's hand wraps around my throat
Wanda- I let her go first because it's what you wanted, I'm not going to be so gentle
I lean forward and start kissing her, I take full control and she loved it
I lean forward and start to whisper in her ear
Y/N- you look like you're missing out, my mouth is free for you

She stands up taking her jeans off and positions herself above my mouth, I gently ease my tongue into her
Wanda- FUCK!
I keep working hard and I know Wanda loves it, she tightens as I hit the perfect spot. Nat takes her fingers out and starts using her tongue also, I finish pretty quickly and Wanda finishes soon after.
They take the cuffs off and both lay next to me
Y/N- I think it's time to show Nat how the English do things, feel free to watch Wanda
Wanda- oh trust me, I won't be able to take my eyes off you both

I straddle Nat's lap and kiss her taking full control even though she's fighting back
Y/N- I am in control here. You do something or say anything I don't like and Wanda will punish you
Nat- okay
I whisper to Wanda and she smirks nodding in agreement
I head straight down her body not wasting any precious time. I knew she had wanted this for a while but I didn't want to change things between us. However, tonight, I needed her and she wanted me.
Y/N- I'll be making you scream my name and you'll wish you didn't have to work tomorrow. You know what to do Wanda

This continued for hours into the night, we all just couldn't get enough of each other. They eventually fell asleep whilst I lay staring at the ceiling.

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