Part 30- Betrayal

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I've finished my work in the Medical room and everyone has headed their separate ways.
I start to clean up when I hear the door shut and locked behind me. Nat and Wanda are stood looking at me.

Y/N- hey, are you guys okay?
Nat- yeah, I just was hoping we could talk
Y/N- sure, what's going on?
I sit on the bed and she pulls a chair close whilst Wanda perches on the bed next to me.
Y/N- what's going on?
They both look at each other waiting for the other to say something
Y/N- is someone going to say something? Or do I have to read Nat's mind?
Nat- We slept together
Y/N- when?
Wanda- when you were unconscious, you weren't there and I needed someone, it just happened
My heart shattered as they tried to explain. I got up and walked towards the door
Wanda- it didn't mean anything Y/N
Y/N- it obviously meant something otherwise you wouldn't have done it

I unlock the door and walk out, tears are flowing down my face as I enter the kitchen area
Tony- you okay kid?
Y/N- yeah, just came to say I'm heading home for a little while. I thought a couple days away could be good for me
Tony- okay, if you need anything then don't hesitate
Y/N- yeah thank you Tony
I grab my bag from Wanda's room and head to the front door
Wanda- please don't leave, we can talk about this
Y/N- I don't want to talk right now, I don't think it would be safe for you or me
Wanda- it didn't mean anything, please just listen to me
Y/N- I'm sorry Wanda but I'm leaving
I walk out of the front door and get in my car, Wanda stood watching me leave whilst Nat runs down to see what's going on.

*4 Days Later*
I haven't been able to to go back to the Tower yet, I knew I loved Wanda but I couldn't face her. I didn't understand it and I didn't know why it was with my best friend either.
My phone was full of texts and missed calls from them both and I hear it ringing again, I take a look and it's Tony
Y/N- hey Stark, what's up?
Tony- I've got something to talk to you about, I'm going to send you an address, meet me there in 30 minutes
Y/N- yeah sure, see you soon

I head to the address, I decide to drive as I hadn't eaten or slept much recently. I pull up to a Stark Industries warehouse which is undergoing a makeover.
Tony- this is our new base, we've got so many Avengers now that we needed to expand.
Y/N- okay? So why am I here?
Tony- I wanted you to see our new Medical Floor, you are a trained surgeon and the best doctor out of anyone here. You need to be happy with what I've given you
We walk to the floor and it's like being at a designer hospital.
Y/N- this is incredible
Tony- I'm glad you like it, I've also got you a room, it's the floor above here and I've put a buzzer in so if you're asleep then we can get you urgently
Y/N- makes sense
We continue the tour and he explains everything that's happening.
Tony- we move in this weekend, I want you to be here. I can't have you living somewhere else anymore
Y/N- I'll grab my stuff and start moving in as soon as I can.

*Move in day*
It's time to get ready so I throw on a pair of black skinny jeans, a plain white T-shirt and my black leather jacket. I put my hair in a ponytail and put on my sunglasses.
I'm stood outside the new compound and can see everyone moving in. Wanda and Nat are laughing as Steve is carrying things inside.
I get back in my car and drive in parking in my designated spot.
I get out of the car and the girls both stare at me. I look at them but don't say a word
Peter- Hey Sonny, it's great to see you. Can I help?
Y/N- sure thing Kid, grab whatever you can from the car
I open the trunk and he grabs a couple boxes whilst I take suitcases.
Peter- I haven't seen you recently, everything okay?
Y/N- yeah, I just needed some time away but now I'm back and ready to go.
Peter- can we train later? I've been working on what you taught me and I'm getting better
Y/N- of course Kid, I'm excited to see what you've got

I set up my room and Peter helps, we have a laugh and talk most of the time.
He's such a good kid, I'm glad he's here and I'm hoping we can become good friends.
I walk back downstairs and see Wanda is stood against the doorway.
Wanda- can we talk?
Y/N- I think we need Natasha first, she's part of this
Wanda- I'll go get her, meet us outside?
Y/N- I'll wait by my car
I stand leaning against my car as they both come walking over. I just stare at them not saying a word.
Nat- Hey
Wanda- we are so sorry Y/N
Y/N- tell me the truth, why did it happen?
Wanda- you weren't here and I was feeling down
Nat- I tried to comfort her but it took a turn that neither of us expected
Y/N- do you two want each other?
Wanda- No Y/N, I only want you
Y/N- Natasha?
Nat- I don't know what I want Y/N, I thought I did but now talking to you both, I have no idea.
I just nod
Y/N- well, thank you for the honesty. I've got things to do so maybe I'll see you both later.
I walk back into the building leaving them behind. I didn't want to deal with them today, I just needed to be on my own.

I headed to the medical floor where all the supplies had been left. Tony asked if I wanted them put away but I said I'd do it myself. I like to be organised and know where everything is, it makes being a doctor easier when your sort it out yourself.
I put my EarPods in and started to work.
I don't know how much time had passed when someone pulls out my EarPods.

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