Part 21- Evaluation

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Nat POV-
Last night was rough for Y/N, Wanda was drunk and not thinking straight but to straight up verbally attack Y/N like that was wrong. I knew I couldn't leave her alone in case she thought Wanda was right.
It's 7:03am but I can hear Y/N up and walking around so I decide to check to see if she's okay.

Y/N- Good morning sunshine, how are you feeling?
Nat- I'm good, whatever you are cooking smells delicious
Y/N- it's nothing special, I just couldn't sleep so I made some English muffins. There's bacon cooking now and I can fry an egg to go with it, adding that makes a delicious sandwich
Nat- I'd hate to think what you'd say is special. How are you doing? I know last night was tough
Y/N- honestly, I don't think I've come to terms with it yet. I know she was drunk but what she said hit me hard
Nat- you know we all want you around, we aren't keeping you here because we can. We offered you the job because we wanted you to stay, Steve gave you a glowing reference
Y/N- I appreciate that, now I'm gonna make some tea, want a cuppa?
Nat- excuse me? A cuppa?
Y/N- oh you Americans don't understand. Would you like a tea or a coffee?

I just sit there laughing at her, even when she's having a tough time, she always knows how to try and make it better. She doesn't allow her moods to harm other people, she's no monster.
I finish eating breakfast and get ready
Y/N- if you wanna borrow any clothes then you can grab some from my room
Nat- thanks, I think I'll take you up on that offer.
We head to the tower with Y/N singing along to the radio the whole way back, the girl could not sing one bit and she knew it but she gave it her all

I follow Natasha into the tower and she heads upstairs
Y/N- I'll see you in the training room, let's say in 30 minutes?
Nat- sounds good, I'll get ready

I head into the kitchen and see Wanda sat at the table. I ignore her and head to the fridge to grab a couple bottles of water
Wanda- Hey Sonny, can we talk?
Y/N- you going to call me a monster again?
Wanda- I am so sorry Sonny, I don't know what came over me
Y/N- I honestly don't have anything to say to you right now
Wanda- then please just listen to me
Y/N- you've got 10 minutes
I walk over and sit next to her at the table

Wanda- i don't know what came over me last night and I don't think I'll ever be able to tell you how sorry I am. I had no right to say any of what I did and I know you won't be able to forgive me but I was angry and honestly, I was jealous.
I saw what you and Nat had, I wanted that to be us. You two are always laughing and smiling, just having fun in general but I haven't even been able to speak to you.
It's my fault, I asked for time and I thought it would be good for us but it wasn't. I want you back Y/N, I miss you and you make me a better person

I sit there just looking at her, a blank expression across my face.
Y/N- everything you said last night made me feel worthless and like I was disposable. You might not have meant it but you said it and it was hurt like mad. I couldn't stay and look at you anymore, I can't just forgive you Wanda. I'm sorry.
I stand up and leave the room. I head towards the training room and see Nat is there already

Nat- how'd that go?
Y/N- I don't want to talk about it
Nat- no problem, let's get started then
I'm stood there in a loose pair of shorts and my sports bra as we start to both run on the treadmill
Time passes and Nat is starting to struggle.
Y/N- okay, let's stop there
Nat- no it's okay, I can do more
Y/N- Natasha, we are stopping now. Tell me what the pain is like
Nat- it's like a 7
Y/N- it's what I'd expect really, you aren't ready to go on missions yet

Nat storms out of the room as Wanda comes in
Wanda- oh I'm sorry, I thought you guys were done
I turn around and her face lights up, looking me up and down
Y/N- we just finished, the room is yours
I start to walk past Wanda but she grabs my arm pushing me against the wall. She locks the training room door
Wanda- do you know how fucking hot you look right now?
Y/N- what are you doing?
Wanda- something I've wanted to do for a while

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