Part 3- First Glance

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Spice warning!
Wanda sits down next to you as she waits for her drink. Her leg nervously bouncing up and down on the edge of the stool.
Y/N- so what's a girl like you doing in a place like this?
Wanda- oh um, bad day at work
Y/N- I get it, it's not easy to get things done in a city like this. Eyes all over you expecting only the best and whenever you fail, your bosses do not accept it.
Wanda- haha, yeah it's something like that

You cannot help but stare at her beauty. Her vibrant hair falling just below her shoulders and her eyes sparkling in the dimly lit bar.
Wanda- are you okay Sonny? You seem to be a little distracted
She smirks at you after realising what you've been staring at.
Y/N- honestly, I can't take my eyes off you and I know we've only just met but it feels like it was meant to be Wanda.
You spend a few hours together at the bar laughing and joking around.

The night of New York is closing in as the bars starts to get ready for closing. You don't want to leave knowing you may never see Wanda again.
Y/N- I might be pushing my luck here but I was thinking that maybe you'd....
Wanda- the evening isn't finished here.
You smile as she jumps up and grabs your hand, pulling your out of the bar and towards the road.
You call a taxi and arrive home almost immediately.

You push open your door and Wanda pushes it closed behind you. She walks over and moves your hair to the side and starts kissing down your neck.
You slip off your jacket and turn to gave her, your lips lock instantly. The kiss is short but passionate, you pull away biting your lip.
Y/N- you want to do this?
Wanda- I want you right here, Right now Sonny.

You lift her up placing your arms around her waist whilst she wraps her legs around you.
Kissing each other passionately as her tongue gently teases your bottom lip.
Walking towards the bedroom, Wanda gently moans into your mouth causing a tingle in your body.
You gently place her onto the bed and remove your top as Wanda's eyes light up looking you up and down.
Wanda- I was not expecting you to look that good, that 6 pack is something else.
She moves towards you, kissing your abs, your hands in her hair pulling her closer to you.

You straddle her and start to take her clothes off, pealing off one item at a time, making sure you get a sight of everything you want.
Her hand making it's way up the inside of your thigh as you tilt your head back causing a small moan to escape your lips.
Y/N- fuck me hard Wanda, give me everything you've got
Wanda smiles as she unbuttons your jeans, you jump you quickly pulling them off and she grabs your waist pushing you onto the bed.
She lays on top of you, her fingers teasing the think lining of your underwear
Wanda- I can feel how wet you are already, you must be really enjoying me.

Her hand goes into your underwear causing a loud moan, she continues to kiss you whilst her thumb caresses your clit.
Wanda- you like that?
Y/N- god yes Wanda
Wanda- this is just the beginning Sonny, I'll have you screaming my name soon.
She starts to kiss down your neck making her way to your breasts, your nipples erect. She starts to peck at them whilst slowly entering you with her fingers.
Y/N- oh fuck Wanda....
Wanda- Louder Sonny
You couldn't help but scream her name, everything she was doing was perfect.
Y/N- I'm nearly there...
She smiles at you as she pulls her hand away, she looks up at you as she starts kissing down your body, making her way down.
Her tongue ever so gently touching your clit, her teasing you as she plays with you slowly
Y/N- I need you to finish me Wanda
Wanda- oh trust me, you're going to finish like you never have before

Within minutes, you're done.
Y/N- fucking hell, you are incredible
Wanda- you did all the hard work Sonny, but yeah I am incredible

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