Part 2- Extraction

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Knowing how the avengers worked, time was against you whilst heading to the extraction point. By this time, you'd expect Romanoff to be awake and in a bad mood for what you did. Captain was still unconscious when you breezed past him.

You rounded the corner heading out of the old Hydra facility spotting Iron Man scanning the building.
You waited behind an old wall watching him and realise he has noticed you there. You walk out from behind the wall with your hands up.

Y/N- well look who it is. I say, you look smaller in person. I'll make this easy on you Mr Stark, you let me leave and I won't hurt you.
Iron man- that's not how this works. You come with us and then we get what we need from you.
Y/N- You have no idea who I am Stark, what makes you think you could get anything from me anyway? What could the billionaire possibly do that I haven't already faced? You going to use all that money to make more weapons and kill innocent people? We have the same objectives Stark, it's just the way we do business which differs.
Stark- enough talking

Iron man flies towards into the air sending blast towards you. Avoiding them, you move around the side and create another one of you. Your other starts to fight Iron Man whilst you sit back and watch.
Punches fly as Iron Man starts to overcome your other, you grab a device out of you pocket and run towards the fight. Leaping over the top of Iron Man and sticking the device to his back, his suit dies instantaneously.

Iron Man- what the hell? Why can't I move?
Y/N- I told you Stark, you don't know me and you don't know what I can do. The party is over and it's time for me to leave. Until next time, goodbye Stark.

You run off and jump into the helicopter that's waiting for you.
Underneath, you see the avengers gather. You stand and salute the Captain, laughing whilst they fade into the distance.

After arriving back at the Hydra base, you find yourself waiting for your boss, Baron Strucker.
Silence fills the room as time slowly passes, the information you gathered waiting on the table for him.
The door opens and you stand up quickly, back straight with your arms against your side.

Strucker- settle down agent, I heard you did a good job today. Here is your usual payment and an added extra for the work against the Avengers. You've got 2 days off before we need you again.
Y/N- thank you sir, I'll be available whenever you need me.

You get changed out of your suit and head home. Home being an apartment in the middle of New York overlooking the city at its loudest and quietest moments.
Being cramped up all night wasn't your idea of fun so you throw on a pair of black ripped jeans, a white vest with a brown leather jacket and head to the local bar.
Going out and being social wasn't your thing, you liked the peace of being alone but knew, you had to have friends so people believed your cover story.
Y/N Stevenson, a 27 year old born in Florida. A medical saleswoman who moved to New York for her job. Your American accent was strong, after having many years of lessons for it to be believable, it now took its pride as being how you spoke most often tending to only speak with your English tone when on a mission.

You head into your local bar, the place quiet as it usually was. Sitting at the bar on a stool, you order a few shots and a beer.
??- hey, can I get a beer please?
You turn and look, your eyes widen as you skip a breath.
Y/N- add it to my tab mate.
??- oh you don't have to
Y/N- it's okay, I've had a good day so it's time to spread a little joy for others. I'm Y/N, but my friends call me Sonny
??- Well hello Sonny, I'm Wanda

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