Part 35- Containment

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It's been a couple of hours since I put J in the cell. I had so many thoughts running through my head, how the hell did Steve know him? And Bucky? What kind of name is that?
I hadn't been able to leave him yet, I had pulled a chair up outside the cell and was sat there watching him. People had come and gone but I hadn't said a word to anyone, I was too distracted to talk and I didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings.

Wanda- I know you don't want to talk and that's okay but I brought you some clothes to change into. I've got some bandages for your leg as well
Y/N- thank you
Wanda brings the clothes over and pulls a chair up next to me.
Y/N- you don't have to stay
Wanda- You still need help changing, remember?
Y/N- is that always going to be the excuse to get me to take my clothes off?
Wanda- do I need an excuse to see my girlfriend with no clothes on?

Wanda POV-
It slipped out, we had never actually talked about being official and I didn't know is she wanted it.
I could see her smiling to herself as she looked away from me. One day I'm going to have to teach her how to take a compliment
Wanda- I'm going to take your suit off okay, if it hurts then let me know
I peel off her suit slowly and she grimaces slightly but I continue. She has scars on her back which I've never seen before.
Wanda- what are these? How come I've never noticed them?
Y/N- maybe cause you've always been looking at something else? Or maybe cause I hid them?
Wanda- why did you hide them?
Y/N- to avoid a conversation like this one
Wanda- it's just me and you Sonny, I want you to trust me and be honest with me
She sigh as I run trace the scar lines on her back

Y/N- I was 15 when my powers came out, I had been experimented on my whole life and it was a relief. People convinced me I was a monster and I just accepted it
Wanda- that's why it hurt so much when I said it
Y/N- having someone you love agree with everyone you hate hurts. It hurt more than anything I've ever felt.
I look at her and can see she is struggling to talk about this. I never realised how much she was hurt growing up but now the barrier she puts up makes sense.
Y/N- one day I refused a mission and I was punished. They tortured me for days and left me with no food or water. It's why when I shut down I don't take care of myself.
Wanda- you don't have to punish yourself anymore, they will never hurt you again Sonny and I promise to protect you for the rest of my life
Y/N- you shouldn't make promises like that
Wanda- why not?
Y/N- because now you'll be stuck with me forever. Can I put some clothes on now? Or do you need another minute to stare?
I laugh and help her get changed, she shows me how to bandage her leg and once we are finished, she goes back to watching J.

Wanda- do you want me to stay?
Y/N- I'm not exactly going to be good company so it's your choice
Wanda- I'll go get us some supplies and I'll come back
Y/N- thank you for doing this, you didn't have to
Wanda- thank you for opening up to me, it means a lot knowing I'm regaining your trust
She leaves the room and I see J is starting to wake up
Y/N- J? How you feeling?
J- Sonny? Where am I? They told me you were dead
Y/N- I thought you were dead too. How do you know Steve?
J- he's the guy I told you about. My friend who I helped when I was younger. Can I see him?
I instruct Jarvis to bring Steve to the cell. He runs down quickly and walks over to me
Steve- get some rest Kid, I need to do this on my own.

I leave the cell and head to my room, Wanda watched me walk past her and grabs my arm
Y/N- come with me
Wanda- okay?
She follows me into my room and I sit down on the bed
Y/N- he woke up, he knows who I am but he chose Steve

Wanda POV-
Tears are filling her eyes, she doesn't deal with emotions well and normally hides them from me.
Y/N- let's get out of here, just me and you.
Wanda- what?
Y/N- I've got somewhere we can go
She gets off the bed and grabs her coat
Y/N- you're going to need this, it's gonna be cold
Wanda- is this actually some plan to murder me? Like take me to a desert and hide all the evidence?
Y/N- since when have deserts been cold?
She laughs at me as she grabs my hand, we teleport somewhere but I don't recognise the building
Wanda- where are we?
Y/N- this is my home, I was born here and I now own it. I bought it when my parents left, I didn't want someone who didn't deserve it to get it.
Wanda- this place is beautiful
Y/N- it's on the edge of the forest, animals roam free around and it's just quiet
Wanda- we aren't in America anymore, are we?
Y/N- No Wanda, this is England.

I walked around the worn down house looking at childhood photos of Y/N's family
Wanda- Hey Sonny, who are they?
Y/N- that's my Mum and Dad
Wanda- what about these two little kids?
Y/N- they were my brothers
Wanda- were?
Y/N- they died when I was 3, I don't remember much about them
Wanda- I didn't realise you'd lost people
Y/N- more than you could ever imagine

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