Part 18- The Chat

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I left the room when Steve when to see Natasha, I didn't want to get in the way considering they were such good friends.
It's been a tough 24 hours so I decide to head home, I walk up to the main room and find Tony sat there on his own
Y/N- hey, I'm gonna head home for a couple hours and then I'll come back to check on Natasha
Tony- oh hey Y/N, yeah do whatever you need but we need to have a chat when you get back
Y/N- anything bad?
Tony- we want you to join us permanently, the team trusts you more than anything now and you could help us with so much. I know you are against it but please, just think about it
Y/N- yeah okay, I'll have a think

Could I really join the avengers? I've spent my whole life working against them and trying to destroy what they are doing. Our interests may have aligned and yes, I could see Wanda more often but it would put them all in danger even more than currently.
To take my mind off of things, I teleport home and head to the shower.
My body hurts from the long surgery. I stand there allowing the water to calmly run down me as steam starts to fill the room. Once finished, I step out of the shower wrapping a towel tightly around myself and head into the bedroom.
I throw on a pair of shorts and my bra before hearing a knock at the door. I throw on a jumper quickly before grabbing the door

Y/N- hey, what are you doing here?
Wanda- I thought we could talk
Y/N- yeah sure, come on in. Do you want anything?
Wanda- oh no, I'm okay thank you
Y/N- so what's up?
Wanda- I need time Sonny
Y/N- what do you mean?
Wanda- I want us to be able to be together because I think about you all the time and I know that you are the one I want but
Y/N- why does there have to be a but?
Wanda- Sonny, you tried to kill my friends and you lied to me. You worked against us for years and killed people we knew because it's what Hydra wanted.
Y/N- I understand Wanda so I'm assuming you won't want me to take the job with the avengers?
Wanda- were you going to join?
Y/N- I hadn't decided yet, I was going to ask you first but for now, I'll put off making the decision. I don't want to make things hard for you

I stand up and walk away from her heading into the bedroom again, I get changed into jeans and a baggy T-shirt
Y/N- I need to get back to Natasha, any chance I can have a lift?
Wanda- yeah sure, I was heading back anyway

The car journey was uncomfortable, she didn't say a word as I sat looking out the window
Y/N- the only think I lied to you about was my job, everything else you know and saw was me
Wanda- I want to believe that, I honestly do but I don't know how I can Sonny
Y/N- why can't you? You never told me you were an avenger and I'm not holding it against you
Wanda- that's not fair, this is different
Y/N- how is it? You lied to me, the same as I did you
Wanda- we are here

She parks the car and heads inside as I follow behind her. I head straight down to the medical room and see Nat is awake
Y/N- so how's my favourite patient doing?
Nat- I'm your only patient
Y/N- and that my dear Natasha, is why you are my favourite
Nat- how's it looking anyway? Can I be out of here soon?
I laugh but soon realise she is being serious. I head over and sit next to her taking her hand in mine
Y/N- Natasha, can I be honest with you?
Nat- yes please
Y/N- you should be dead, everything worked in your favour and you got damn lucky to have such a good surgeon because if it was Bruce then I don't think your chances would have been so high. You aren't getting out of here anytime soon so you're stuck here with me until you're better
Nat- I could be stuck with worse people. Thank you for being honest with me, the others are all like think positive and shit
Y/N- I like to be as honest as possible, I only lie when required. Oh actually, I did stop at the shop and got you this cause you need to eat
I pull out a cup of jello
Y/N- lime or raspberry?
Nat- who eats lime jello? Give me the raspberry one
Y/N- um I love lime thank you very much

We spend hours talking as she manages to stomach the jello
Y/N- get some rest, it's been a long day
Nat- fix things with Wanda Y/N
Y/N- she needs time, I'm going to give her what she wants. As soon as you're fit and healthy, I'm gone again.

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