Part 20- Initiation

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My hand is still resting on her thigh, her cheeks getting red as she struggles to get words out
Y/N- so Wanda, what did you need me for?
Wanda- Tony said your initiation is tonight so don't leave when everyone else does
Y/N- sounds good, what's the initiation?
Wanda- we all get to ask you one question and if you don't want to answer then you complete a forfeit
Y/N- intriguing
Wanda- be prepared, some of the questions get interesting especially after a couple drinks
She gets up and leaves, she walks away knowing I'm watching her every step.

2 hours pass and Natasha walks over
Y/N- so what do I owe this pleasure Natasha?
Nat- all the guests have gone so it's time
Y/N- let's get this grilling over and done with
I walk over to the set of sofas and all the avengers are there already. Most of them are drunk while Steve and Nat are sober.
Tony- let's get this started. Have you got any powers you haven't shown us?
Y/N- I have indeed
Tony- show us then
I stand up and duplicate myself
Tony- boring, we've seen this
I take a deep breath and change the duplicate to look identical to Tony
Duplicate Tony- is this boring you now?
Tony- okay stop that now
I laugh as I sit back down
The avengers take turn asking questions, Clint and Nat have asked theirs.
Steve- have you ever lost anyone important to you?
Y/N- wow okay, yeah I have. I was 24 when I was sent on a mission with my best friend. We didn't know each others names but I called him J, he told me that was his initial. He was hilarious and the best guy I'd ever met but one day, we messed up a mission. Hydra wasn't happy so split us up and sent us to different camps to be realigned. I haven't seen him since and god, I didn't even realise how much I missed him.
I wipe a tear from my eye as Nat takes my hand and smiles at me.
Steve- thank you for telling us, I lost my best friend to so if you'd ever like to talk about it then I'm here
Bruce- why'd you stop being a surgeon? You are incredible at it
Y/N- I couldn't handle the pressure, people place their lives in your hands and one little mistake could take it away from them. I always lived in constant fear of killing someone, I only operate if it's really necessary for me to

Thor- if I were to ask you to kiss one of the men in this room then would it be me?
I laugh as the others do too
Y/N- of course Thor, I'll agree to boost your ego
Thor- Why thank you Y/N, you'd make an excellent partner
Y/N- didn't say I was going to marry you, just give us a peck if I had to

There's only one question left and it's from Wanda. I could feel her staring at me for the whole game, I think she was trying a new mind trick of burning through my soul with her eyes.
Wanda- Have you and Natasha fucked yet?
I choke on my water as she asks this question
Y/N- excuse me?
Wanda- I've seen you both for the past couple weeks, it's obvious you can't wait to fuck her
Y/N- I'm sorry but I have no interest in Natasha like that, she's literally my best mate here. I've spent so much time with her because you asked me to save her life and I'm making sure I follow that commitment.
Nat- we talk about you all the time Wanda, Y/N has made it clear that she's only interested in you

Wanda stands up and tries to walk over to you.
Y/N-you're absolutely pissed Wanda, let's get you home
Wanda- don't touch me
I walk back and put my hands up, she pushes me slightly and continues
Wanda- I asked you to help because I wanted you to be here for me! But you stayed with her. You've lied to me before so I don't even know what to believe when it comes to you. You are a monster Y/N, you tried to kill every single one of us and the only reason you are here is because they prefer you to be closer because that way they can control you and it's easier to put you down.
Y/N- thanks for telling me how you really feel, I guess giving you all that time was just a way for you to decide how to hate me.
Wanda- the problem is I still want you Y/N but I cannot get over the feeling you want someone else

I stand up and grab my bag walking out of the building. I can hear shouting from behind me as Nat comes running out
Nat- Y/N, wait!
I stop and turn around to face her
Nat- she's drunk, she didn't mean a word of it
Y/N- she must have had a reason to say it, I'm just gonna head home and get some sleep. Do you need a lift back to the tower?
Nat- if you aren't staying there then I'm crashing on your sofa, I'm not leaving you alone after that
Y/N- don't worry, I've got a spare room
She jumps in the passenger side as I drive back to my apartment.

Nat- this place is really nice, how did you even afford it?
Y/N- I was paid a lot of money for what I did. It's all dirty money but it helps keep me going. I just wanted to say if you feel I've been flirting or anything then I'm sorry
Nat- don't be stupid, I'm not interested in you like that. You just have a strong personality, it's not your fault she's jealous of us

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