Part 33- Explosion

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I couldn't sleep, I didn't know what to think about what happened. It wasn't something I wanted but when it happened, it was incredible.
It's 5:00am and I couldn't sleep any longer. I quietly get up but wake up Natasha
Nat- where are you going?
Y/N- I've got things to do
Nat- like what?
Y/N- it doesn't matter, you should get back to sleep
Nat rolls out of bed and starts to get changed
Y/N- what are you doing?
Nat- I'm coming with you, I don't want you to be alone

She follows me on to the medical floor and starts to help pack away supplies
Nat- are you doing okay?
Y/N- as good as I can, I suppose
She walks over to me and takes my hand
Nat- please let me in
Y/N- last night was a mistake, it shouldn't have happened
Nat- did you not enjoy it?
Y/N- I did
Nat- why was it a mistake? If you enjoyed it then surely that's enough
Y/N- it only happened because I was in a bad way and needed it
Nat- that's okay Sonny, I can give you what you need
Y/N- right now, I need some fresh air

I head outside and Nat follows, she holds my hand and I look at her
Nat- you need a friend right now and that's all I'm trying to be
Y/N- everything is so messed up, I just don't know what to do anymore
Nat- talk to me, I can help you
Y/N- I don't want to talk, even after last night I am still pissed off at you both
Nat- you can't be serious
Y/N- I am, I know Wanda and I weren't exclusive but you knew and yet still did it.

We've been awake a couple hours when my phone starts ringing and it's Peter
Y/N- hey kid, are you okay?
Peter- somethings going on at the school, they've evacuated everyone. The police are here and they're saying they need to evacuate the block
Y/N- okay kid, stay calm. I'm on my way
I grab Nat's hand and teleport back into the compound
Nat- what's going on?
Y/N- something is going on at peters school, he needs me
I start getting changed and Nat just watches
Y/N- are you going to change or just keep watching?
Nat- oh yeah I'm sorry
We both put our suits on and I teleport us there

I head over to the police tape and the officer stops me, Nat runs over and shows a shield badge allowing us past.
Y/N- what's going on?
Officer- who are you?
Nat- we are with the avengers, we heard the children were in trouble and came to help
Officer- there's a bomb
Y/N- can it be moved?
Officer- it can but we don't know if it's stable
Y/N- find me a building near the water which is empty. No surrounding buildings that are in use either.
Officer- I've located this one, it's empty and has been for a couple years. The whole block is under development
Y/N- perfect

I run inside and head towards the bomb
Nat- what are you doing?
Y/N- I've always been seen as the bad guy, I never did anything good in my life before the avengers. Now is my time to change that
Nat- you can't leave us
Y/N- get the other avengers ready and sweep this building. I need you to protect the kids first. Once you done that, being full medical supplies to the building. I'm sorry Natasha, tell Wanda I love her.
I grab the bomb and teleport away.

Nat POV-
She just disappeared. I couldn't even try to stop her, she was never going to change her mind because she is reckless but would do anything to save the people she cares about.

I ring Tony
Nat- Stark, get the Quinjet ready and take one of the medical bags Y/N prepared. She's taken a bomb from a school to an abandoned warehouse. I've sent you the address. I'll meet you there
Tony- I'll get Wanda and Steve, we will be there soon.
I talk to the officer and arrange for the building to be fully swept before allowing the children anywhere near it and he agrees.
I run to Peter and his friends
Nat- anyone have a car I can borrow?
One of his friends hands me a set of keys
Ned- take mine, it's not great
Nat- thanks, I'll get it back to you eventually

I jump in the car and speed away, I can see the quintet flying over. I ring Y/N but there's no answer.
You've got to be okay Sonny, none of us can lose you.
I'm getting closer when I hear a loud explosion and fire roars into the sky.
I push the accelerator down as far as it goes and speed down the roads arriving there at a similar time to the rest
Nat- Y/N!
Wanda- what happened?

The whole building has collapsed and there's no sign of Y/N
Wanda- We need to find her
Tony- I'm sorry but if she's under that then she won't have survived
Wanda- I can't lose her
She breaks down and I grab her falling to the floor, tears pouring down her face as I wrap my arms around her.
Tony- I'll scan the area and see if I can detect any life
Steve- I'll start moving some of the rubble

Tony starts to scan and pretty quickly finds something.
Tony- I've got her, she's alive but barely
He points in the direction we need to go and all start moving the rubble.
Steve- I've got her
He pulls her out and she's in a bad way. I don't know if she's going to survive this and that's when I hear a noise behind me

Nat- Y/N?
The clone in front disappears and Y/N slowly walks towards us, she is holding her stomach and burns cover her left arm.
Nat- it's okay, I've got you
Y/N- are the kids okay?
Wanda- you saved them all Y/N
Y/N- I think I need some help. I've got some burns, get clean water and the clingfilm, wash the burn then wrap them. You need to cut the suit arm off first. If it's stuck then leave it
Steve helps removes her sleeve whilst I pour water on the burns and she screams in pain. Wanda sits behind her and holds her
Wanda- you are so cold
Y/N- that's because of this, I'll be fine soon
Her words were saying one thing but the look in her eyes were saying something different.

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