Part 26- Recovery

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Nat POV-
We take Y/N back to her apartment and put her on the sofa. She hasn't spoken since Wanda found her
We leave her sat there and move over to the kitchen, we can see her but she can't hear us
Nat- what are we going to do?
Wanda- I don't know, it's like something is stopping her from being herself
Nat- can you get into her head?
Wanda- I tried but she was blocking me out fully
Nat- go sit with her, I'll get some water and snacks to see if we can get her to eat or drink
Wanda walks over and sits next to Y/N

Wanda POV-
I sit with Y/N whilst Nat is in the kitchen. I take her hand in mine and she doesn't move. I can feel her shaking and her breathing is still uncontrolled
Wanda- Y/N, I know you can hear me. You need to calm down for me
She takes my hand and moves it to her temple and looks me in the eye, nodding at me
I know what she wants me to do and she's giving me permission to do it
Wanda- Nat, I need you
Nat wanders over and sits in front of Y/N
Wanda- take her hands whilst I try this, Y/N if it hurts too much then squeeze Nat's hand

I enter her mind and it's overwhelming, she's not in control one bit. Something it trying to take over and she's fighting it, that's why she has shut down. I dig deeper and see her memory of J, the Russian words he was saying seem to have triggered her in some way. I try to dig deeper but pain crashes through my head as I back out.
Wanda- Shit!
I grab my head and run to the toilet, throwing up instantly
Nat- what the hell happened?
Wanda- she has trigger words, he used them and she's fighting it but she's not winning, it forced me out.
Nat- what do you mean trigger words?
Wanda- they brainwashed her, she never knew what she was doing. It controls her and makes her do whatever they say
Nat- holy shit, how the hell do we break that?
Wanda- I think we need to figure that out for her sake

They are both sat with me figuring out what to do. I can hear everything they are saying but I can't communicate with them. Getting Wanda's hand was incredibly painful but it had to happen, I can't fight this on my own and I need their help.

Wanda- have you ever dealt with something like this before?
Nat- once but it wasn't exactly like this
Wanda- how did you stop it?
Nat- I knocked him out
Wanda- that's a last resort
Nat- we don't have any other plans
Wanda- we let her fight it and help her if she needs us

No! I need your help Wanda, you can't just expect me to be able to get through this. God, why can't I just create syllables and form words, it's not even that hard, children can do it.

Hours pass and I'm still fighting, I can feel my body getting weaker by the second. I'm not going to win this fight but I need to get them out of here
I put everything into forcing out words
Y/N- help me Wanda
Wanda puts her hand on my cheek and looks into my eyes
Wanda- how?
Y/N- Cold
Wanda- you are cold?
Y/N- no, too hot
Wanda- we need to cool you down
They both lift me up and drag me into the shower, turning it as cold as possible as the water runs onto me. My eyes slowly start to close and they both look at each other
Nat slaps me as hard as possible and my eyes dart open. I tilt my head and widen my eyes, staring right at her
Wanda- I think you made her angry
Nat- I think she's going to kill me

The pain gets worse as I scream out, my knees curling into my chest as my head now rests between them.
Y/N- you both have to go
Wanda- I'm not going anywhere
Y/N- GO!
Wanda- No Sonny, I'm not going anywhere
She gets into the shower and lifts my head up so I'm looking at her. She kisses me gently
Wanda- you're freezing, let's get you out of here
Nat grabs the towel and wraps it around me as Wanda helps me out. She takes my suit off and places a baggy T-shirt over my torso before helping me into a pair of knee length baggy shorts.

They both help me over to the sofa, Wanda sits down and Nat guides me down so my head is on Wanda's lap.
Wanda- we will get you through this, no matter what
Y/N- I'm so tired
Wanda- you can't give in Sonny, you are doing so well
Nat- keep going Y/N please, we both need you more than you'll ever know. We know you can win this fight, you don't do losing
I try to smile but it was no use. My body was giving in to my mind and I could feel it taking over more. There was only one more way to stop this and I needed them to do it.
Y/N- Nat
Nat- hey yeah, I'm here
Y/N- hit me
Nat looks up at Wanda in shock
Nat- what?

She grabs my shirt and pulls me up, punching me as hard as she can
Y/N- again
She does it a couple more times and I lay unconscious on Wanda's lap
Nat- what did I do to her?
Wanda- you did what she wanted, she asked you for a reason. We said it was our last resort. Let's just hope it works.

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