Part 4- The Next Morning

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After a long night, you awaken late in the morning. Rolling over, you realise Wanda is no longer in your bed.
You get up putting on underwear and an over sized T-shirt. Your apartment is open planned so you can see the whole place from your bedroom door, you scan around the room and notice she isn't there.

Wanda's POV-
What a night, I thought as I started walking towards the avengers tower. That girl was something different and I could feel it in every part of my body that she was someone I had to see again.
The feelings she gave me was something I have never felt before in my life, although it was supposed to a be one night stand, I couldn't help but smile when I thought about her.

Heading back into the tower would be daunting, my phone had been off the charts with messages and missed calls asking where I was.
I simply replied, I'm coming back now.
I walked through the doors and saw Natasha waiting for me. I liked Nat because she didn't hide how she feeling, she was always truthful to me so I knew this wasn't going to be fun.

Nat- I thought you were dead, after that mission yesterday, all we asked was for everyone to keep a low profile and not cause any trouble. But hey, I suppose that doesn't apply to you
Wanda- I'm sorry Nat, it won't happen again.
I can't keep myself from smiling as I try to walk past her, Nat doesn't miss anything so she knew something was up as I felt her grab my wrist.
Nat- why are you so happy? Oh my god Wanda, did you get laid?
I just nod and smile at the thought of Sonny again, she fills my mind with smiles and joy like I'm a little child all over again.
Nat- you are telling me everything, let's go.

Y/N's POV-
It's been a long morning already, my head pounding after the amount I drank but thoughts filling my head of Wanda. She was something special and she made me feel a way I didn't think possible.

To ease my mind, I headed out for a run. It wasn't long but around the park a few times. It was a warm day but I knew I needed to keep going after the night before.
After an hour or so, I headed back to my apartment to find a note slipped under my door.
Picking it up, I soon realised it was from her. She'd come back and left this for me.
I opened the note and read it

Last night was special and unforgettable in many ways. Here's my number in case you want to get another drink.

You look down and smile at the note
Y/N's thoughts- thank god, she enjoyed last night as much as I did.
You grab your phone out of your pocket and dial her number, after a few rings, she answers.

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