Part 29- New Kid

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All the avengers have left for their mission, I didn't know what it was but I was told they were supposed to be back later today if not tonight.
I was picking the kid up at 3 from his school, I didn't even realise he was that young when I looked at his file. It was only 12 now so I decided to set up the training room, I knew the kid had talent so I didn't want to make things easy for him.
We were going to work on hand to hand combat, it seemed he liked to avoid a close fight if he could. He was strong and quick, something we could use to our advantage
It took me a while to set up and before I realised it was 2pm
I got changed and headed to the car driving to the school which was around 35 minutes away. I wanted to be there early so I was waiting for him.

I sat there waiting for him as I heard the school bell ring, I got out of the car and perched down on the front of the car. The kid came out with a couple friends, I'd never seen them before as he walked towards me.
Y/N- Peter?
Peter- oh yeah, that's me
Y/N- I was sent to pick you up, Mr Stark had an important meeting put in
Peter- Oh yeah okay
Y/N- don't be nervous kid, I'm Y/N Stevenson but you can call me Sonny

The drive back was awkward, Peter was quiet the whole time but that was expected considering a stranger had picked him up
Y/N- we will be there in 5 minutes or so, do you need anything? You got your suit?
Peter- what suit?
I laugh
Y/N- I know who you are spideyboy
Peter- it's Spider-Man
Y/N- I know Kid
Peter- I thought you were his assistant or something and you didn't know
Y/N- I'm an avenger kid, I've just kept myself well hidden
Peter- what can you do? Like super quick? Or super speed? Oh my god, can you turn invisible?!
Y/N- slow down kid, I'll show you when we start training

I could tell all of this was exciting for him, it was like a kid in a candy shop. He didn't stop talking when he realised who I was. We got back to the tower and his eyes lit up, this was all new to him and you could see it.
Y/N- follow me kid, we've got training to do
Peter- yeah okay, where can I get changed?
Y/N- there's a room down there for you to change and leave your stuff, I'll walk you down then I'll get changed and meet you back here
We train for a couple hours and he does well. He could barely land a punch when he started but now, he knows what to do and how his stance should be. One of our phones beep and I get distracted meaning Peter lands a fully connecting with the side of my head
Y/N- wow okay, that's gonna bruise
Peter- oh god, I am so sorry, Miss Stevenson
Y/N- it's Sonny and don't worry about it

Peter- thanks for today Sonny, I should get home before Aunt May worries
Y/N- I'll give you a lift kid
Peter- no it's okay, I can swing back
Y/N- you sure?
Peter- yeah I'll be fine
Y/N- okay, here's my number. If you want to train, talk or even see me then just drop me a text, I'll reply as quick as I can
Peter- thanks Y/N, I'm glad I've got you to help me
I walk him to the balcony and he starts to swing back home, I keep watch as he disappears into the distance
I pack away the training room and head for a shower. I realise my eye had bruised from that punch but it doesn't feel too bad.
I shower then get some ice for my eye when my phone beeps

Peter- hey it's Peter, thank you for today. I'd love to do it again sometime
I smile, he's a good kid with a strong heart. He's going to be a great avenger and he's ready for it.
Y/N- sounds good to me, let me know when you're free and I'll arrange another session. I'll see if you can meet some of the others as well
Peter- that would be awesome!!

It's late so I head to bed, I don't like the spare room so I head to Wanda's.
I hadn't been asleep long when I hear the door open
Wanda- hey babe
Y/N- you woke me up
Wanda- I'm sorry, I didn't want to wake you but we need you in the medical room. We got our ass kicked so you need to stitch them up
Y/N- why can't Bruce do it?
Wanda- he left with Thor
Y/N- let me get some clothes on and I'm all yours
Wanda- I prefer you with no clothes on
Y/N- I'm not sure they'd appreciate me walking in naked

I get changed and head down, yawning the whole way
I walk in and see they all need help
Y/N- Wanda, grab me a cuppa, milk and two sugars please
Tony- you aren't stitching me up if you're that tired
Y/N- you've got two options Tony, the first is a world class surgeon who has worked 48 hours without sleep before stitches you up or you leave, it gets infected and you die.
Tony- well then, stitch me up
Y/N- good choice

Wanda comes back in and brings a coffee and a tea
Y/N- both?
Wanda- I didn't know what a cuppa was so I bought you both.
She gets close, her hand grazing my thigh
Wanda- you getting angry, is incredibly hot
Y/N- once i drink these, I'm gonna need something to make me tired again. I've got an idea
Wanda- if it involves us getting hot in bed then I'm all with it
Y/N- I'll finish down here then I'm all yours and don't take it easy on me
She slaps my butt as she leaves and I smirk
Clint- you guys should really get a room
Y/N- oh trust me, once I've finished stitching you up, you aren't going to wanna be near that room.

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