Part 37- Flirt

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I look at Tony, my face filled with confusion
Y/N- I didn't realise they were that close
Tony- oh yeah, it started when Wanda arrived. I think they thought none of us knew. I gathered you knew since the three of you are close
Y/N- I had no idea Tony, any chance I can get out of here soon?
Tony- it's got about an hour left, stay until then and after you can go

I head out to the balcony, the cold air rushes against my skin as I feel a chill down my spine
Clint- you look like you've seen a ghost
Y/N- there's just too many people here for me to deal with
Clint- they all know who we are already, it's part of keeping the peace
Y/N- so doing a gala will show that I'm not going to kill all of them?
Clint- I wouldn't say that too loudly
He wraps his arm around my shoulder and pulls me closer
Clint- I know this is overwhelming but you're doing such a good job kid
Y/N- thank you but you know I'm only like 7 years younger than you?
Clint- nope, you look about 15 so that's how old you are to me
Y/N- well I'm glad I can at least drink

We head back inside and see people have started to leave. I see Wanda is all over Nat and I can't be dealing with that so I swiftly turn around heading back to the balcony.
I stand resting my arms on the rail when someone appears next to me
Y/N- miss me already?
Kate- I just can't stay away, here I got you this
She hands me a drink and I gracefully accept
Kate- not enjoying the Gala?
Y/N- it's the complete opposite to what I'd prefer to be doing right now
Kate- and what's that?
Y/N- relaxing, watching a good film with a glass of wine and some good company
Kate- I thought you didn't like people?
Y/N- people are great, I just deal better one on one
Kate- maybe that's something we could do sometime?
Y/N- are you asking an avenger out on a date? You mustn't have heard but we are all crazy
We both start laughing and continue talking until the end of the party.
Kate- I should get home
Y/N- please, at least let me walk you to a taxi
I offer my arm and she accepts linking hers with mine. We walk past the girls who both stare intently at us
Kate- it's been an enjoyable night, thank you very much Sonny
Y/N- you are very welcome
She kisses my cheek again before I open the taxi door for her
Kate- goodnight Sonny
Y/N- goodnight Kate, get home safely

The Stark industry cars start to pull up and that's when I realise the avengers have been stood behind me the whole time
Wanda- you're sleeping on your own tonight
Y/N- fine by me, maybe you and Nat can continue what's been happening for years
They look at each other before looking at me, their faces show surprise
Y/N- didn't think I'd find out?
Nat- you're both drunk, let's not do this tonight
Clint ushers me into a car and he joins me

Clint- so the three of you?
Y/N- yeah, it's rather new but it's not going to work
Clint- why not?
Y/N- they keep lying to me
Clint- have you been honest with them?
Y/N- actually yes, I've told them how I feel and explained myself but they haven't told me major things
Clint- like how they were a thing?
Y/N- them being close made sense, I thought it was being the only female avengers but now, it makes even more sense knowing it's been happening for years
Clint- the best thing to do is get some rest, you can't have a conversation like this

Nat POV-
I sat in the car with Wanda, she had way too much to drink and was a complete mess
Wanda- did you tell Y/N?
Nat- I haven't spoken to her all night and why would I tell her anyway?
Wanda- I don't know

We get back to the compound and I help Wanda out of the car. Peter came running outside and gave Y/N a hug. They both start randomly dancing together, I didn't understand their friendship at all. They weren't close in age but were probably the closest anyone has been here.
Peter- Y/N, can you make me some food?
Y/N- what do you want Kid?
Peter- grilled cheese
Y/N- ah my signature, I'll get changed and make you one

I take Wanda up to bed and settle her in, she falls asleep pretty quickly. I can hear Y/N in the kitchen, I need to speak to her before she thinks the worst.
I'm in the kitchen but Y/N doesn't realise, she turns around bumping into me. She gently grips my arms making sure I don't fall over and smiles at me
Y/N- hey I'm sorry, I didn't know you were down here
Nat- that's okay, I thought we could talk
Y/N- sure, first do you want anything?
Nat- bottle of water would be great
She smiles and grabs two out of the fridge
Y/N- so what's up?
Nat- I thought you were angry but now I'm not sure
Y/N- I'm not angry at you Natasha
Nat- but you are angry at Wanda?
Y/N- very much so
She starts to head to her room and I follow behind her
Nat- why?
She signals for me to turn around as she starts to get changed
Y/N- she tells me one thing and then does it herself. Like I'm not flirting with Nat and then I come back to see her hands all over you but if I smile at another girl, she shouts at me and acts like I've killed someone
Nat- she's being protective
Y/N- it's not fair
Nat- do you have a problem with us three?

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