Part 6- Mission Ready

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I arrive at the base just outside of New York, it had always been dark and not welcoming but I guessed that's what Hydra wanted.
I've been escorted into a meeting room where Strucker is already waiting for me.
Strucker- finally, you are here. Why are you wearing those clothes?
Y/N- I was out for dinner when your minions found me. What do you need me for?
Strucker- your scheduled mission has been delayed, our sources say that the avengers have located our base in Switzerland. I'm sending you in to distract them whilst our men remove any important information.
Y/N- awesome, so I get to play chicken?
Strucker- I don't know what that means but you leave in 10 minutes.

I leave the room and head to the armoury, it's where my suit is kept. I like it keep to myself before a mission, put my headphones in and think about what I need to do. Going up against the Avengers is tough enough but without any preparation, it was just going to be harder.

Without wasting anytime, I boarded the jet and headed over to Switzerland. We knew they were going to be there before me but it means I could make an entrance.
Agent- the avengers have bought 6 with them, stop them from getting any information and don't get captured.
Y/N- copy that. Drop me over their position and get the music ready.

The jet flies over the base and lowers down, heavy metal music roars out of the jet as the avengers all look up. You jump out and land down in-front of them.
Y/N- well isn't it Earth's mightiest heroes, I didn't realise you were going to be at the party too.
So who do we have here? Redhead, tin man, icicle so where are the rest? I heard there was 6 of you?
Romanoff- we have to have some surprise.
She nods and suddenly a hammer comes flying towards you, sending you flying across the floor.
Y/N- I like that toy, where can I get one?
Thor walks towards you and the hammer goes flying back to him.
Y/N- you must be the god, you should really get a career as a model. Your bone structure is superb.

I can feel danger around me, I know it's coming from behind me but I can't sense what it is. I take a quick step to my right as an arrow goes flying past.
Y/N- lame shot, arrow man
I signal towards agents and send them to position the shot came from.
Y/N- that still leaves one more, who might that be? Am I going to meet the big green guy today? Or is he even too dangerous for you?

Romanoff- they've got somewhere better to be than dealing with you. I don't think you would want to meet them.  Split up, the English one is mine.
Y/N- ooo Romanoff, at least buy me a drink first
Laughter fills the silence as she ran towards me, being an expert in the field of fighting, I knew this was going to be a good fight.

Punches started flying, I ducked under her punch and swiped her legs from under her. Another attack come as she dragged me to the floor smashing into my ribs.
She jumped up and came at me again, she didn't learn though. I caught her fist midair and landed a hard punch at her ribs then an uppercut to her chin.
She lay on the floor breathless as I walk over to her.
Y/N- stay down Romanoff, you don't know what you are getting into.
I felt her grab my ankle so I turned and struck her in the face, knocking her unconscious within seconds.
I drag her towards the rest of the team.
Y/N- you look up to this woman? She is your stronger fighter and I put her down within minutes. How does that make the rest of you feel?
None of you can stop me so why bother? Leave now and I won't hurt her anymore.

I pick her up and grab my knife from my back pocket, placing it at her throat.
Y/N- take a step and we all know what happens
I smile and start to laugh as they all look at each other.
Y/N- so, what's it going to be?

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