Part 31- Argument

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I turn around and look at them
Y/N- what do you want?
Nat- I can't lose you
Y/N- you should've thought about that before you slept with Wanda
Nat- it was a moment of weakness
I slammed the supplies down and walked closer to her
Y/N- which part? The part where you kissed her? Or where you took her clothes off or was it when you fucked her?
Her hand rises quickly as she slaps me across the face
Nat- you don't get to talk about her like that
Y/N- you love her don't you?
Nat- I don't know

I turn around and start to walk away, she grabs my wrist and pulls me back
Y/N- you don't get to touch me, you understand?
Nat- you aren't listening to me
Y/N- all I can hear is excuses, at no point have you owned up and admitted you were at fault. All I want is the truth
Nat- I am telling you the truth
I grab a glass and throw it across the room, smashing as it hits the wall
Y/N- NO! You've been lying this whole time
Nat- you read my mind?
Y/N- yeah, I did. I know what happened but neither of you would tell me. It wasn't just once Natasha, it happened 3 times. 3 fucking times!
Nat- she told me you'd been distant
Y/N- oh so this is my fault? You should've said, oh I am so sorry I forced you to sleep with her
Nat- drop the sarcasm
Y/N- I'm done with this conversation
Nat- I'm not done with Wanda

I turn around my eyes turn black as she says that, I walk over to her and she starts to walk backwards.
Y/N- you did not just say that.
Nat- I didn't mean it
Y/N- I know you did and you are going to pay for it

The door opens and Wanda comes running in, she looks at me and grabs me by the throat, flying us towards a wall
Wanda- calm down
Y/N- you don't get to tell me what to do
Wanda- I can end you right here right now so calm the fuck down!
Y/N- at least then you can fuck her whenever you want
Wanda- listen to me, you need to calm down right now because this doesn't make you look good.
Y/N- I don't care how I look, I've lost everything I cared about
Wanda- you haven't lost me, I'm still here
Y/N- I lost the ability to trust you, I don't even want to look at you
Wanda- please, just calm down for me
Her grip tightens round my throat as her eyes flash red at me. I take a deep breath and close my eyes, they return to normal and she lets go of me.

Wanda- Nat, you need to leave now.
She leaves the room quickly as Wanda locks the door then continues to walk back towards me. I'm sat on the floor with my back against the wall, she sits down next to me and looks at me. I look away from her with tears in my eyes
Wanda- Y/N, look at me
Y/N- I can't
Her hand touches my face as she gently grips turning my head to face her
Wanda- I am so sorry I did this to you, I don't deserve to be forgiven but I am going to work hard to make sure I earn your respect and trust back. Please Y/N, I can't lose you. You give me hope and joy and I want to share this world with you.
Y/N- tell me the truth then, once could be seen as an accident but 3 times? That's just you wanting her.
Wanda- I didn't want her, she was there and I needed to feel something that wasn't sadness.
Y/N- that's not an excuse Wanda, I feel horrible right now but I'm not thinking about sleeping with anyone
Wanda- I thought you were going to die
Y/N- and that makes it okay right? If I had died then you wouldn't have had to say anything or worry because you could have kept going with her

I stand up and head back to filling the cabinets, she comes behind me and lifts me up, sitting me down on the table.
Wanda- look in my head, you'll see that you are the only one I want and the only one I love
Y/N- I can't do that
Wanda- why?
Y/N- I haven't eaten or slept in 3 days, the power I tried to use there was all I had left
Wanda wraps her arms around me and i accept it, I always felt safe in her arms even when I was mad at her. I was angry but I didn't want her to let go.
Wanda- we need to get you some food
Y/N- I don't want anything
Wanda- you are hurting yourself by not eating, this is serious
Y/N- I deserve it
Wanda- you deserve happiness and someone who loves you.
Y/N- is that you?
Wanda- if you'd allow it to be then it's what I want

My phone vibrates in my pocket so I check to see Peter needs me in the training room
Y/N- I'm sorry but I've got training so I need to go
Wanda- you can't train like this, you'll hurt yourself
Y/N- maybe then I'll come to my senses, feel free to lecture me once I'm finished.

She follows me down and watches the whole time. I start to feel funky and she notices, running over she helps me sit down and grabs some water.
Peter- did I do something wrong?
Wanda- no kid, she did.
Y/N- I'm fine
Wanda- stand up and walk then
I try to stand up but fall over pretty quickly, Wanda helps me up wrapping her arm around my waist
Wanda- you're coming with me to get food, I don't care if you hate me
Y/N- I don't hate you, I don't even hate Nat. I hate myself for not being there
Wanda- we can talk about this later, you need help first.

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