Part 39- Mission

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I follow Natasha into a meeting room and sit next to her.
Tony- finally, you're here
I stand up and take a bow towards the avengers as they laugh
Y/N- apologies my king, you may begin
Tony- Strucker is back and setting whatever plan he has in motion. We found him at a research base in Switzerland and we plan to make our move tonight
Y/N- what's the plan?
Tony- you aren't medically cleared Y/N but we need you there for medical support

I wasn't too happy with the idea of seeing them fight and not being able to help. I wanted Strucker dead for what he did to me but I don't think the avengers would understand
Y/N- if that's what you need from me then okay
Tony- I thought you'd argue
Y/N- why bother? You aren't going to change your mind
Natasha watched as I slump into my chair, I didn't pay much attention to the rest of the plan. I just knew I had to stay in the jet and only be seen when required
The meeting finishes and we all go separate ways, I head to my room cause I need to be alone.

Nat POV-
Y/N left the meeting quickly and went straight to her room slamming the door behind her. The thought of not being able to help was getting to her and I could see it.
I wanted to help her but I didn't want to intrude on her, she asked for time and I gathered space would be required as well but I couldn't leave her alone.

I knock on her door and hope she's willing to talk
Y/N- come in
Nat- hey, you doing okay?
Y/N- I'm not sure
Nat- what's wrong?
Y/N- I've never been to a mission where I've been sidelined, I know that facility inside out and yet, I'm not allowed to help
Nat- you're still recovering from serious injuries, you're lucky he's even letting you go
Y/N- i don't want to be the injured one or to even play Doctor, I want to kill Strucker

My face dropped in shock at her admission, she meant what she said but I know she didn't mean to tell me
Nat- are you being serious? You know we don't just kill people?
Y/N- he ruined my life, I never had a life up until I left. He took everything from me and punished me for it
Nat- you need to calm down
Y/N- I'm sorry, I know it's not your fault

Its go time for the mission as the Quinjet arrives at the location. All the avengers kit up and I stay seated not knowing what to do
Wanda- hey, make sure you stay here okay
Y/N- oh don't worry, I'm not going anywhere
Wanda- I'm being serious, you aren't ready and I don't want to see you getting hurt
Y/N- be safe gorgeous

I've been sat on the jet waiting for an hour now, it seems to be one hell of a fight
Tony- we are being overrun, I need support
Nat- I'm busy
Steve- I can't get to you
Listening to them wasn't easy for me, I wanted to head straight out and help but I knew I couldn't. I was already new and I didn't want to betray their trust
Tony- Y/N, I need you
I teleport to his location immediately and appear next to him, I cast blue strands taking over the enemies minds and rendering them unconscious
Y/N- that's why you don't bench me
Steve- Strucker is on the run, someone follow him
I turn and see him headed down the path. I see everyone is occupied so I race after him.
Y/N- he's mine
Nat- Sonny don't!

I follow him through the woods, he knows I can catch him with ease but this was more fun for me.
Eventually he stopped running and stood waiting for me
Strucker- you came back to me
Y/N- only thing I'm doing here is getting ready to kill you
Strucker- could you do that to me? The person who gave you a reason to be on this earth?
Y/N- easily
Casting another of myself, the other wraps their hand around his throat gripping tightly. He's fighting against me and I love it, he is feeling the pain I endured whilst under his control
Wanda- Y/N, don't do this
Y/N- you should leave Wanda, you won't want to see this
Wanda- I'm not going anywhere
She walks over and stand in front me taking my hand in hers
Wanda- please look at me
Y/N- I have to do this
Wanda- no you don't
Y/N- you know what he did to me, you've seen what he made me
Wanda- you aren't that person anymore

I hear the others behind me, flicking my wrist I set up a blockade stopping them from coming near us
Y/N- how I am supposed to keep going knowing he gets to live and people I love don't?
Wanda- that's the world, we cannot change it and it sucks but we cope and move on. You are a good person Y/N, you spread love and joy wherever you go and you are someone the public admire. If you do this then you are no different to him.

She was right, I knew I was better than him but doing this felt so right. I looked at her and looked back at him.
Y/N- he doesn't deserve to live
Wanda- No!
To her surprise, I realise my clones grip and Strucker falls to the floor. I let the others come to get him and I trudge back to the Quinjet.
Wanda- Y/N, wait!
I could see her running after me and I couldn't deal with this so I didn't stop. I just kept walking away from her.

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